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Blue Screen Several Time After Install Bitdefender 2012



I was using Bitdefender for 2 years. Previously, I have installed BIS 2010 for year and then in another year I have switch to BIS 2011 without any kind of problem on my Windows 7 Home 64-bit.

But the time is come when I need to buy a new license, so I try the BIS 2012 demo before I buy.

Only 2 weeks of BIS 2012 installed, I get several time like daily of Blue screen and freezing, which rarely (a very few times) happen on my system during these two years.

I'm pretty sure this freezing and blue screen caused from BIS 2012.

I'm going to decide move to another software, and will not buy Bitdefender if it haven't solve this problem quickly.

I will send PM to support guy for the log. Hoping that your guy gonna fix it.



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi :)

    In order to be able to properly identify the causes for the reported situation and find a solution we will need to investigate a bit deeper.

    Please follow the steps below and send us the result:

    a ) Go to this page and download the autoruns file.

    b ) Extract the contents of the downloaded file and run the 'autoruns.exe' file;

    c ) Wait for the list to be filled with all the processes and then make sure that you have the Everything tab selected in the upper part;

    d ) Click on the Disk icon right under File and chose any location folder on your computer;

    e ) Save the file with a specific name (your name, computer name, a random name, which one you want) and then send me a PM with it.

    If the file is too big to attach it, upload it on


    and send me a PM with the download link.

    We will analyze the information you sent and then reply with a possible solution in the shortest time.

    Have a nice day.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭


    You've mentioned in this topic that you have repaired the product.

    Do you still encounter any issue?

    Thank you.

  • There have no freezing or blue screen for a couple days.

    Hope this software working good in long run.

  • I got blue screen again.. I will PM you the log file.

  • rootkit

    Hi :)

    A product update was released. Your build should be right click on Bitdefender icon from system tray-near the clock-and choose "About". You should see in the left side the build number).

    In order for the product update to be installed, you need to reboot your machine(you should see in the Events -> "Reboot required" under the Update module).


    Let me know if the situation is solved. Have a nice day.