Bitdefender Freezes Windows 7 At Logon


I've been quite satisfied with BD2012 so far, having been using BD for years. However, just today, my Windows 7 froze at welcome screen, then displayed only a black screen with a movable cursor. Restarting it in safe mode is okay. The next thing I tried was a clean boot, still okay. I then gradually added more services and items to the startup list using msconfig, the problem returned when I included BitDefender Virus Shield. Could you please help me fixing this issue? I'm now running with BitDefender service turned off.

FYI, I'm using Lenovo Thinkpad SL500 running Windows 7 32-bit.

Thank you very much,



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi Reynard :)

    Please follow the steps explained in the article below and send me via PM the generated log file:

    If you were already asked to generate the log file, disregard the message above and just post the ticket ID.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Christian,

    Sorry for responding late. I have just emailed you the log file as requested.

    Thank you for your help,


  • After running several days without BD, I tried removing and reinstalling BD. The system works now.

  • After running several days without BD, I tried removing and reinstalling BD. The system works now.

    Im having the exact same problem . Windows 7 installed on two machines, after windows update installs new updates OR I install ANY new software after my recent install bitdefender 2012 it causes BOTH machines to black screen after logon. The windows sign on screen comes up but after that just a cursor with a blank black screen.AltCntrDel will show Task Manager but cant get passed this. Both systems boot to safe mode but I have had to reinstall from a previous Windows image to get the system working and then uninstalling Bitdefender corrects the problem. This is definately a Bitdefender 2012 related problem that should be fixed before software is sold . I have had to revert to version 2011 which works OK.

    Can't see how the tools mentioned can help here as the problem causes a complete lock out of Windows .

    Come on Bitdefender this needs urgent attention.!!

  • Sorry but I must bother you guys again. The problem reoccurred just a few minutes ago. I was locked out of my Windows account (except when booted in safe mode). Forced restarts did not make it go away, as reported before. When I disabled BitDefender from safe mode, Windows logon works perfectly fine again.

    I have not installed any new software ever since. Only 1 BitDefender update took place last night. And that's all.

    As far as I'm able to tell, something interfered with Service Control Manager during startup. My EventViewer consistently implicate Event 7026 on Service Control Manager failed to start due to bdfsfltr and other services failed to load. bdfsfltr appears in all such failures while other services/drivers appear and disappear from time to time. And since my disabling BitDefender cured the problem, I can't help but suspect BitDefender, particularly bdfsfltr, messed up my Windows logon.

    I'm not sure my logs sent to you guys last time was of any help in debugging because (obviously) I can't run the report tools while replicating the bug. If there is anything further I can help to locate the error, please let me know. Even though I can (and most probably will) uninstall and reinstall BitDefender again as I did before, it is annoying if my system keeps crashing every 2 weeks.

    Best regards,


  • rogclifford
    edited February 2012

    It wouldn't seem unreasonable for someone from BitDefender to reply to this issue as it was reported in January. I am also awaiting some sort of support on this and am currently running one PC without BD2012 and have had to revert to 2011 (which itself has now caused different problems!!)

    People expect to be able to install and forget an Internet Security product not get massive headaches trying to make it work.

    Had to try and get support from BD "chat" this am and it timed out.."No one available to take the call.." WHAT!! Email support will be within 48 hours, Thats no good if your antivirus isnt working..

  • I don't understand why using Bitdefender security sistem my ram is going to the limits.I don't now why is that.

  • Some more update on the failures as I had some time to skim over the Event Viewer logs:

    - When BitDefender is disabled, the Event 7026 on Service Control Manager still happened during every startup although it didn't keep the logon process hanging in limbo. The Event description is as follows:

    The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:



    - When I reinstall BitDefender, the system runs smoothly for some time, even though the 7026 involving bdselfpr and trufos still occurs during every startup. And when the error starts to occur, the logon simply hangs indefinitely. The event description of 7026 on Service Control Manager starts to involve other services as well:

    The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:











    My guess is that bdfsfltr and trufos really have some problem (because they always failed to load during startup, no matter what) and

    a) something in your update may cause bdfsfltr and trufos to interfere with other crucial services as well, causing the logon to crash.

    B) there's an intermittent error inherent in bdfsfltr and/or trufos that occurs randomly, and when it occurs, it crashes other services as well.

    I am wondering why I haven't heard from BD Technical Support ever since I submitted the log file and have uninstalled/reinstalled BD twice. I don't think that I purchased the software to have it crash my system frequently, so that I have to disable it, then having no option other than either to run without antivirus or reinstall BD and wait for the next crash. Meanwhile, the only reply from Tech Support was to instruct me to PM them the logs. No acknowledgement, no update whatsoever. I understand that you guys may have a lot of tickets on your hand to juggle, but it's frustrating on the user's end as well. I've been using BD since 2007, but I seriously think you guys have to improve on the communication, service front before loyal customers start to walk away.

    Best regards,


  • Good luck on waiting email from customer support within 48 hours. I"ve been there in my own experience and it will never happen! They don't care, why should you.

    This is the worst software i've ever seen and experience in years of computing.

  • Hello everyone :)

    I will need some logs to further investigate the reported issues.

    Please follow the steps explained in the article below and send me via PM the generated log file:

    If you were already asked to generate the log file, disregard the message above and just post the ticket ID.

    Thank you.

  • This problem also happened to me. I tried boot repair, but it still wouldn't display the login window. I had to revert to a previous working session (F8 at restart) in order for the login window to appear. However, after login, when I try to do a full scan of my computer, I receive an error saying "insufficenit system resources..." and bitdefender craps out after 5 hours of scanning. Then my computer slowed down to a crawl and I could not even start the task manager. I had to do a hard restart and do a boot repair. After that, I am now able to login. I'm currently performing a Full System Scan with the task manager executed, so that I can help determine what the problem might be. I'll post something and submit a ticket if this problem reoccurs or if the scan fails again.

  • Hello :)

    @ Haskell

    Please check your topic and follow the instructions described there:

    Thank you.