Bitdefender Icon Is Lost.

Bitdefender icon is lost sometimes. Trying to customize does not help. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9118" data-fileid="9118" rel="">BitDefender_icon.pdf

Do you have the same problem?


  • Yep. Have a read of my "When Do I Give Up" thread below. Losing the icon may be just one of many issues that are about to avalanche down upon you. I've emailed and replied to supports help so many times, trying all of the things they suggest but in the end, the problem always returns. Even if you uninstall & re-install it will begin to disappear again after a week or so.

  • tru
    edited February 2012

    :huh: Yes I have some of those problems. Sorry to hear that.

    Some updates failed and I started them manually.

    Althoug the autopilot was "on", the icon was not showing on state. There is no icon now, though.

    The services suddenly became off and the program was giving the message: "There is no issue to fix".

    (Meanwhile how did I manage to add an emotion near my post date above? :unsure: )

  • (Meanwhile how did I manage to add an emotion near my post date above? :unsure: )

    lol, when you figure that one out, let me know too. :)

    So far my icon has been there consistantly, sorry I can't give you anything new on that one.

  • Hello :)

    Please follow the steps from this topic and reinstall the product.

    This will also recreate the icon cache and that icon will be present there.

    Take care.