No More Live Asistance!

edited November 2007 in General talk

Hi , I just happen to try to obtain a quick response by using my account in the bidefender site and use the live asistance like I use to. And, gess what , no more real live asistance, I get to write a question , has usual, then gess what, insted of having a live chat as before, I got to write my e-mail adress to get help. Of corse the answer didn't help me at all.

How about that?? :huh:


  • Hello Christhopher,

    What do you mean? The LiveAssistance service working just fine. ( There are some moments when the service goes offline (in which case, yes, you have to write an e-mail), but usually it is online.


  • Dear Christhopher

    The chance is very small that liveassistance is online during the week-ends. That is why you had to write an e mail. Normally you can contact livechat by using Cris's link. You can also ask your question here.

    Best regards
