Bdis2012 Will Not Install Properly
Had this same issue when BDIS2012 first was launched last fall....DannyDan tried but couldn't solve this issue.
Hoped that with the latest updated version of BDIS2012 that the issue would go away...but still have same issue on this Win7 Pro 32bit machine
Will install OK but the Widnows system tray icon says "Please wait...Bitdefender services are loading". But this runs continuously. After restart now system tray icon isn't I can't even verify the latest build...but I assume after downloading and updating...I am running the latest build
Also...when I do run a full system scan...I am now getting the dreaded "autoruns is disabled" message after system restart...
Christain...please try to help with this...have a five liscensce setup and just renewed for a year...but have been running Windows Firewall and Defender in this machine for months hoping a newer version would correct this.. Not fair to pay for 5 machines but only using/working on four ?!
Have run the support tool and will upload files now...sending a PM shortly...
Hi Tim
I have received the logs. I am going to talk to our testing team about this and get back to you with answer ASAP.
Take care.0