
I want to update from 2011 to 2012 version and anyway need to renew the licence. When I click on the "renew" on my current English version, I get to a French site with no possibility of whatoever to change lanaguage. I then go manually to which decides to switch to (I live in the Netherlands). Each time I switch language he decides that I want Dutch instead and goes back to No way to change. If on the page I click on "meer info" (Dutch for "more info") for getting information on a specific version, I get to a French page. If I want to change language, he then only proposes Dutch or French. How can I download the English version? Remains now 8 days till expiration of my licence.


  • Hello valkenp,

    I believe you will find everything you need in the P.M. (personal message) I just sent.



  • Thanks a lot.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    You are most welcome.

    Let us know if you have other questions.

    Take care.