Trojan.vundo.dsn Virus Alert Pop Up

edited December 2007 in Malware talk

I don't think I have been infected with anything yet.... however, Bitdefender virus alert pop-ups come up about every 4 minutes, theres 4 of them all similiar as the topic description above just 4 different sets of #'s(that is an actual set of those #'s) NOW here's the problem sometimes when these BD virus pop-ups come on a couple times, there's a box that says remember this answer, so you don't have to keep seeing the pop up everytime this sucker tries to get into your system. BD just blocks it & no biggie. Well, this one doesn't have that option so every 3/4 minutes I have to manually click the OK button for acknowledement of BD blocking this virus. It's annoying to say the least, also if I don't click on them to close them they build up over time & sometimes stop me from doing whatever I'm doing on the internet. Please can someone tell me how to either disable these or give me some Idea of what to do. Also, from the description I figured it is BD identifying some virus that was caught earlier & put in my vault of AVG which I do have. So, I have already gone through thorough scan & even deleted all my vault items, thinking that would clear it up, no go, didn't work. help please, my finger hurtz from clicking so much...LOL :wacko:

Oh, here's a screen shot of one of them./applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1158" data-fileid="1158" rel="">virus_alert.bmp

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1159" data-fileid="1159" rel="">virus_alert.bmp


  • Ok, now how come I couldn't copy that screen shot? I had to add as attchmnt.

  • Dear Kkay

    I will move your topic to a more appropriate forum section. Go to start,my computer,go now to the tools menu,folder options,display (view),check show hidden files and folders. Now you will see the folder vault.avg now delete that file that BitDefender mentions.

    Best regards
