[resolved] Sent Private Messages Page Not Working

When I click on the section to see my sent PM on this forum, it shows that no messages have been sent, even though I know that I have.


  • Can you see your incoming mail?

    I think you have to click an option ON to save your message to the sentbox section, when you are sending a message. Otherwise it won't do tthat.

  • Hi chobraz :)

    Jon is exactly right, when you compose/PM a message, or reply, you need to at the bottom of the email body, check to keep a copy. Yes, I went through that one myself too, you're not alone :)


  • Can you see your incoming mail?

    I think you have to click an option ON to save your message to the sentbox section, when you are sending a message. Otherwise it won't do tthat.

    Thanks for the reply, but I do not see any option such as that. My inbox works fine, but when I change it to Sent items nothing shows up.

  • Let's try a back and forth, I'll send you a PM, you answer, and tick the save when you reply, as shown in my post, and see if it saves in your sent folder.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Have no worries, I have received all your PMs.

    We are working on the Safebox issue.

    Take care.

  • Let's try a back and forth, I'll send you a PM, you answer, and tick the save when you reply, as shown in my post, and see if it saves in your sent folder.

    Thank you to everyone who helped. It was the option at the bottom of the messages when I reply. I had never paid it any attention before. Thanks again!

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    You are most welcome!

    Since this is now resolved, I declare the topic closed.

    Have a nice day!

This discussion has been closed.