
edited February 2022 in The Archive

:wacko: How To Save Updated AV virus-troyan Files On RescueCD USB stick !??

Everytime I boot from RescueCD USB stick I should update AV files from 06.July till now !! <img class=" />

Why BitDefender AV do not show ESTIMATED update TIME and percents instead some silly file name !?? :blink:

Hope the answers be soon !!



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    The files can not be saved locally or on an USB stick because the Rescue CD creates a virtual partition in your RAM memory.

    I will talk to our developers and we will try to update that CD more often.

    Thank you!

  • Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    The files can not be saved locally or on an USB stick because the Rescue CD creates a virtual partition in your RAM memory.

    I will talk to our developers and we will try to update that CD more often.

    Thank you!

    I have a suggestion to post friend. :unsure:

    Instead of you (BitDefender team) updating the rescue CD on a regular basis,

    allow us users to update the AV definitions using any ISO software (like PowerISO, UltraISO, etc).

    This is possible because I have tried it.

    But the only issue is that you'll (BitDefender team) have to remove the HASH verification module from the ISO file.

    Because when we'll update the AV defs files, the checksum gets changed (since it's unique) & the CD fails to boot after an error messgae.

    Hope you got my point & will do something about it.

    Cheers to you BD team & keep it up...

  • :wacko: How To Save Updated AV virus-troyan Files On RescueCD USB stick !??

    Everytime I boot from RescueCD USB stick I should update AV files from 06.July till now !! <img class=" />

    Why BitDefender AV do not show ESTIMATED update TIME and percents instead some silly file name !?? :blink:

    Hope the answers be soon !!


    I have the same problem. Will she ever fixed?

  • Hello,

    now it's possible or not to update the rescue CD?
