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If I Donate One Of My Keys Will Recipient Be Able To Identify Me?

edited November 2012 in General

I purchased BD Antivirus with 3 keys and wold like to donate one. If I give it to them is there any way they could find out my name or email address associated with purchasing the software or anything at all? Currently, they do not know my name or email. Please tell me if there is any way they can find out who i am. Thank you.

i.e. if they contacted support and asked or anything else i cant think of.

if they can find out my personal information, can I ask BD to keep that info secret?


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited December 2012

    Hi :)

    Since we are not allowed to assist you via PM, please note that I've used your email address(the one that you used to register on Bitdefender Forum) and I've created on your behalf this ticket ID:


    One of my colleagues will get back to you via email.

    Thank you.

This discussion has been closed.