Wireless Password Protection

edited November 2012 in Firewall


I have TP link router with password and I need to protect it from wireless password cracker

is bitdefender protect wireless form atteck that try crack password ???

I mean if I use bitedefender can someone steal my wireless password ?


  • Hi

    The password protection is for the Router/MODEM and not for the system where you installed Bitdefender. Put in another way that Bitdefender can secure only the systems where it is installed or the systems on network, but not protecting or block access to the Router/MODEM (wired or wireless) from hackers etc. For Wireless Password cracking, data packets or traffic should be captured and by using some brute force attack and some weaknesses in the Encryption Technique, hackers can access the Router/MODEM, while Bitdefender or any other Security Software can't detect such scenario as far as I know. However you may get better explanation from Technical Support.