Window Sizing For Tools Not The Best
A concern with the window that pops up with the results of the scan from a Registry Clean is just unusable.
As registry keys can be quite large, the window itself needs to be expandable and the columns sizeable so that you can see all of the key and information without having to hover over each entry.
My first scan has produced a list of several hundred entries and it's impossible to check each one this way to see if it is safe to delete.
Surely it isn't that hard to code a window that can be sized larger and the columns themselves sized to allow better viewing.
I've noticed this is a problem with quite a few of the windows within Bitdefender and I'd really like to ask that your developers go back and consider this for all windows.
Hi Randy, thank you for your feedback.
I will forward your request to the product manager. In the meantime, you can choose to view the keys by category, so you can manage the entries faster. And you also have the option to restore the deleted registry from Tune-up > Registry Recover.
This topic will be moved to Bitdefender 2014 Pre-Beta > Feature request0