Quick Scan

I have Total Security 2013 (with auto update ON ... so always updated)


When I do an Antivirus Quick Scan it is taking between 20 to 30 minutes


It used to take about 3 to 4 minutes


What is wrong ?


Regards from Downunder




  • Hi aussiejohnno :)

    My scans are slightly longer too, but not to the 20-30 minute extreme. It previously would only take around 3 minutes for the scan to complete.

    On my Windows 8 Pro 64-bit with BD Windows 8 Security, scanned 1588 files in 8 minutes.

    On my Windows 7 64-bit with 2013 Internet Security, scanned 1454 files in 10:32 minutes. Both Suites are the build.

    On a Quick Scan, it used to "pause" towards the end as it scanned winhttp.dll, then would scan a couple of Windows files and complete its scan. It now "restarts" a new scan showing the new scanning progress bar, scanning Program Files, and some Windows files, thus adding the extra time to the scan. I did try another scan right after the first one, in case it would cache some files and run more quickly, but it didn't, as it seems to be a default to scan these locations no matter what (compared to a System Scan and its caching of un-accessed, un-opend etc. files)

    Maybe Bitdefender thought the need to add more files to the Quick Scan for extra security?

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    Hi AussieJohnno,

    Does the issue still persist?