Option To Take Backup Of Settings/configurations

coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
edited January 2013 in Feature request

With reference to the post Tool For Taking Backup Of Settings For 2013 Version, MAGNUS, there is also an option to take backup of settings of all modules in Bitdefender so that they can be restored upon re-installation.

The said option should also be prompt upon un-installation and re-installation.


  • I also agree with this suggestion.

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    I will clone this for Bitdefender 2014.

    Thank you!

  • coolcool1227

    Any news to implement the suggested feature in the upcoming release?

  • doncht

    This one is really crucial. I would bet a lot of users have tons of custom settings on 2013. It will take few hours if we will need to set this settings manually. smile2.png

  • columbo

    Especially gamers. Voted

  • coolcool1227
    ........I would bet a lot of users have tons of custom settings on 2013. It will take few hours if we will need to set this settings manually. smile2.png

    Tons of custom settings in 2013 version of Bitdefender????????????? ..... oh really ....where are these "tons of custom settings" ? I am very curious to know them as i could not find such settings after 2011 version ..... am I missing something?????

  • columbo

    I was wondering about that myself, hours, tons of settings?, to have considered gamers, as if they had a lot of games, could be a bit of a headache: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=188565