Update Issue !

I noticed that in the last few days I have not received an updates for:

emalware 379, 397, 410 and 414.

This is the first time that updates are not arriving in the order! (Though I didn´t always carefully checked).

I wonder if this only happens to me, can someone confirm this issue?

Thank you !


  • I noticed that in the last few days I have not received an updates for:

    emalware 379, 397, 410 and 414.

    This is the first time that updates are not arriving in the order! (Though I didn´t always carefully checked).

    I wonder if this only happens to me, can someone confirm this issue?

    Thank you !

    I received emalware.420 this morning at 6:04am EST.

  • Hello cohbraz,

    Currently I have emalware.434 and it´s newest, but of those 4 emalwares above mentioned, still none has arrived.

    Probably never will arrive, and I'll be forced to take a "Proper Actions", shortly. :)

    This interests me from the perspective of own security !

    How do I know if something wrong if I did not get any "red" warning text ?

    I'm really not a Nostradamus :D