Suggestions For Bitdefender Free

Bitdefender Antivirus free is great, but it has absolutely no settings. For example we can't configure AVC and IDS's agressivness. We can't restore items from the quarantine, we can't configure scans, on-demand scans always scan <critical system areas>, not only the selected target. Also, you can integrate Traffic Light in Bitdefender free.


  • azavoianu
    edited January 2013


    We are working on these issues, some of these features will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback.


  • Hello,

    We are working on these issues, some of this features will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback.


    I bet you are working on the scanning and the quarantine, but not on the exclusions, TrafficLight and AVC setup. However, these are essentials for an antivirus product. Absolutely 0 configuration leads to an unwanted behaviour. We should also be able to configure how viruses are handled. Now Bitdefender deletes everything and this can't be changed...

  • Traffic light not yet, all of the above, yes.

  • Traffic light not yet, all of the above, yes.

    Wow, I love very very very much then guys, keep up the good work! :wub: :wub: :wub:

  • I have one more question for you. Is it still local and cloud-based as it was in Romanian? I remember you claimed cloud integration a few months ago when it was released...

  • Yes, it's also cloud based :)

    Thanks for feedback,


  • I think it would be beneficial for all if the developers could add some form of exclusions to the BD free, on install of BD free I was asked to remove Malwarebytes Pro ( don't know why as it's not an AV ) I said no thanks and continued to install BD which is running ok but quite heavy in it usage due to not being able to exclude Malwarebytes, "note" that BD free runs extremely light and efficient with MBAM Pro disabled but I would rather have the option to have it run alongside.

  • I suggest that work team can make "normal user mode" and "advanced user mode" in free edition, let user select the mode while install and normal use, that normal mode will work full automatically, and the advanced mode can let user configure the setting he want.

  • I also want usb immunizer integration with bitdefender free edition

  • Hello All,

    First of all...thanks SO much for this free product, as we surely don't live in a perfect world by any means, I think this software is pretty good. At least for me..I like the fact that the scanner is always on the lookout for bad thing's. It's pretty well 'automatic' in operation, with actually no / little user intervention required..especially compared to some 'other' offerings out there. There will NEVER be a so-called perfect product, due to the fact of all human beings are different in some ways, and see some things differently than others do. Thanks for the great work done on this product !!

    David :D

  • Nesivos
    edited March 2013
    I think it would be beneficial for all if the developers could add some form of exclusions to the BD free, on install of BD free I was asked to remove Malwarebytes Pro ( don't know why as it's not an AV ) I said no thanks and continued to install BD which is running ok but quite heavy in it usage due to not being able to exclude Malwarebytes, "note" that BD free runs extremely light and efficient with MBAM Pro disabled but I would rather have the option to have it run alongside.

    On my W7-SP1 x64 computer I am using BD AV Free along with Malwarebytes Pro.

    I installed BD AV Free first then Malwarebytes Pro and there were no problems with the install of MBAM Pro and I haven't noticed any subsequent problems since both have been running together. I have not entered a BD AV Free exlusion in MBAM Pro.

    Try uninstalling MBAM Pro using their uninstall utility. It will remove the product completely along with your ID and Key numbers. The name of the file is MBAM-Clean. Then install BD AV Free first followed by MBAM Pro and enter your ID and Key in the appropriate place. Good luck :)

  • Bitdefender Antivirus free is great, but it has absolutely no settings. For example we can't configure AVC and IDS's agressivness. We can't restore items from the quarantine, we can't configure scans, on-demand scans always scan <critical system areas>, not only the selected target. Also, you can integrate Traffic Light in Bitdefender free.

    This was brought up in January, have any of these features since then been implemented? Any estimates as to when they might be? I too would love to have the ability to restore quarantined files or add them to an exclusion list should anything ever go wrong. The ability to start a full scan easily would also be nice instead of clicking drives separately.

    I understand the logic behind hiding all the features and customization so that no one has to make any decisions but I fail to understand why ALL features have been removed for those who would like to use them. This really isn't new to antivirus software (basic vs advanced mode). A quick customization menu (1 page) under an advanced option to set default action when virus is detected, update checks and automatic scan frequency would be great.

  • This was brought up in January, have any of these features since then been implemented? Any estimates as to when they might be? I too would love to have the ability to restore quarantined files or add them to an exclusion list should anything ever go wrong. The ability to start a full scan easily would also be nice instead of clicking drives separately.

    I understand the logic behind hiding all the features and customization so that no one has to make any decisions but I fail to understand why ALL features have been removed for those who would like to use them. This really isn't new to antivirus software (basic vs advanced mode). A quick customization menu (1 page) under an advanced option to set default action when virus is detected, update checks and automatic scan frequency would be great.

    Agreed. I'd like to see more config and an easier way to remove from quarantine.

    There is a way to remove them.;postcount=916

    "L.E. The "Quarantine" in BDAVFree works differently than a "normal" one:

    - files are not "moved to a safe location"

    - but renamed (in the same folder/path)

    - and locked (by gz file system driver) for read/write/execute

    - the files are not encrypted

    So, one can "simply"

    - turn off real time protection

    - go to safe mode and

    - rename the file (actually, remove the gzquar extension)"

  • I installed BDFree and i find it very good.

    News about a Product Update???

  • I also want usb immunizer integration with bitdefender free edition

    Why do you need it, when this feature is useless...

    I've tested bunch of similar autorun.inf immunize products and i found out that this feature is useless...

    This "immunize" feature will only protect you from Autorun.inf spreading based malware, but there is still many more methods malware using to trick user and infect the system...

    You should use programs that scan and remove malware from removable drives...

  • No problems here. It is so lightweight on my system that I can't even tell it is there. Keep up the good work!

  • hi,

    i have win 8 with sidebar.

    i think it is cool to have a gadget for the status of Bitdefender Free.


  • Stefan P
    edited September 2013

    Are there settings now? I don't see any. Bitdefender just deleted data that I wanted to keep, and I don't see a way to get it back (it edited a file, removing a part inside).

    I'm uninstalling Bitdefender now, as deleting my data and not even giving me a chance to intervene is a total and immediate deal breaker. I would love to return to Bitdefender if this gets fixed, as otherwise it seems to be a fine product. Please let me know if it's already there and I just didn't find it, or let me know when I can expect this to be fixed.

    (I was using version on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit)

  • Are there settings now? I don't see any. Bitdefender just deleted data that I wanted to keep, and I don't see a way to get it back (it edited a file, removing a part inside).

    I'm uninstalling Bitdefender now, as deleting my data and not even giving me a chance to intervene is a total and immediate deal breaker. I would love to return to Bitdefender if this gets fixed, as otherwise it seems to be a fine product. Please let me know if it's already there and I just didn't find it, or let me know when I can expect this to be fixed.

    (I was using version on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit)

    Curious -

    1. Did the deletion occur during an auto-scan or manual scan?

    2. Could you post the BD AV Free log that shows the deleted file's name, if not what was the file extension of the file?


  • 1. Did the deletion occur during an auto-scan or manual scan?

    Auto-scan. I was using WinMerge to compare folders/files (with the affected file) and suddenly Bitdefender interrupted and said it had done something. Looking at the events log, I found out it had deleted a part of that file.

    2. Could you post the BD AV Free log that shows the deleted file's name, if not what was the file extension of the file?

    I'm guessing the log was deleted when I uninstalled Bitdefender.

    It was a .txt file

  • Auto-scan. I was using WinMerge to compare folders/files (with the affected file) and suddenly Bitdefender interrupted and said it had done something. Looking at the events log, I found out it had deleted a part of that file.

    I'm guessing the log was deleted when I uninstalled Bitdefender.

    It was a .txt file

    Sounds like you were comparing two *.txt files with WinMerge and some of the text within "one" or "both" of the *.txt files was deleted.

    1. Which did you do? Create or download the *.txt file that had the data deleted?

    1. Was the data deleted from both *.txt files WinMerge was comparing?

    2. Did the deleted data contain a non-text characters, symbols, photos or a hypertext link to a URL or another file?

    3. Was the deleted data program code?


  • Stefan P
    edited September 2013

    1. I was comparing my internal hard disk with an external backup disk. The file had existed on both.

    1. I believe it was deleted from both at the same time, yes.

    2+3. The deleted data was some javascript. Might have a URL encoded, but it's hard to tell as it's obfuscated. Some trojan that somehow had gotten into php files on our website and I kept it (and some information about it) in that text file on my PC for future reference and possibly more analysis at some point.

    I'm wondering, though: Does this have something do with my question?

  • Suggestions for improving BitDefender Antivirus Free

    The following essential features are missing from BitDefender Antivirus Free:

    1. The user should be able to select a desired action for Fille System Shield:

    Fille System Shield Settings Actions

    Virus (Ask | Quarantine | Delete | No Action)

    PUP (Ask | Quarantine | Delete | No Action)

    (Potentially Unwanted Programs)

    Suspicious (Ask | Quarantine | Delete | No Action)

    (based on heuristics logic)

    2. FullScan should be restricted ONLY to Windows/Boot partitions, not to other (data) partitions !!!

    3. The user should be able to disable Email Client protection.

    Email Client Protection ON | OFF

    4. The user should be able to disable Web Access Protection.

    Web Access Protection (URL address management) ON | OFF

    5. The user should be able to exclude folders/files from AutoScan!

    Exclusions from AutoScan

    Folder 1

    Folder ...

    FIle 1

    File ...

    File ...

    6. The user should be able to override AutoScan default frequency.

    AutoScan Frequency

    QuickSweep 2 days (default)

    FullScan 2 weeks (default)

  • I agree with BDFreeUser, I am uninstalling BitDefender until there is an option for accessing settings and configuring the program. It is also somewhat disturbing, and makes me very hesitant to go with BitDefender, when these settings' changes where promised in January, 2013 and have not been implemented 19 months later:

    Jan 24 2013, 06:42 AM

    Post #2

    Poster alex z


    We are working on these issues, some of these features will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback.


    That leads me to think that BitDefender does not take its Free version very seriously.

    For the record, my husband and I run a computer support company in a rural area and this is why it concerns us: BitDefender scored highly on various antivirus tests that I researched which is why we chose to test it. Many of our clients are poorly educated about internet security and rely on us to make recommendations for what product to use, many of them would use nothing at all if it weren't for the free versions being offered. We always install an antivirus product on all computers leaving our shop. We often change what they are currently using to something better if the product in use, and being replaced, scores badly or has a heavy memory usage footprint. For years we have been recommending Avast Free but it has seen some decline in protection results over the past year and so we are looking for a replacement. That replacement will not be BitDefender until there is an option to configure the product.

  • I agree with BDFreeUser, I am uninstalling BitDefender until there is an option for accessing settings and configuring the program. It is also somewhat disturbing, and makes me very hesitant to go with BitDefender, when these settings' changes where promised in January, 2013 and have not been implemented 19 months later


    Many of our clients are poorly educated about internet security ... We often change what they are currently using to something better ... scores ... memory usage


    That replacement will not be BitDefender until there is an option to configure the product.

    Hi Tranquility:

    You are surely talking about:


    We are working on these issues, some of these features will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback.


    replying to:

    Bitdefender Antivirus free is great, but it has absolutely no settings. For example we can't configure AVC and IDS's agressivness. We can't restore items from the quarantine, we can't configure scans, on-demand scans always scan <critical system areas>, not only the selected target. Also, you can integrate Traffic Light in Bitdefender free.
    There have been plenty improvements in Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition since January, 2013. You can check within the updates. Many improvements have to do with the internal settings of the program, e.g., the schedule for automated scans, yet it is true these settings are yet out of the reach of the user. Other improvements are on the handling of quarantine files, e.g., restoring files. And some improvements have to do with scanning HTTP addresses. Please pay attention to the word some in alex z's reply.

    On regard of your clients, I will quote from Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition's page:

    Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition has been engineered to enable you to enjoy your computer to the max, without having to worry about viruses and other e-threats.
    That is precisely why it is probably a better solution for someone without much knowledge about computer security. I am not a computer security expert but I have enough years and education to see how Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition's configuration settings are necessary and sufficient for an antivirus: Either you are protected or you are not. As simple as that. So just one switch for the Virus Shield (there is an additional switch for Auto Scan, which I would rather not have!). Everything else are bells and whistles, or compromising your system. The only additional switch is for logging the service since registration is required beyond the trial period.

    Policies and actions are described in the User's Guide:

    When an infected file is detected, Bitdefender tries to disinfect it by removing the malware code. If disinfection fails, Bitdefender alerts you that the infected file could not be disinfected. Files that cannot be disinfected are quarantined in order to contain the infection.


    You have the option to Delete (Out of Quote: or Restore/Exclude) the files in quarantine. Bitdefender scans the quarantined files after each malware signature update. Cleaned files are automatically unblocked and you can access them normally.

    Be aware that disinfecting by removing malware code could mean deleting bad code inside a compressed file or an installer, there is no quarantine for files inside files, but only the malware is removed. Also note that PUP inside installers are not Viruses, thus they are not necessarily detected at all.

    From what I've read in this forum there are only two concerns about this product:

    1. Some computer games may cause a crash. I think only the interface crashes and I believe it has to do with changing to very low screen resolution. I would rather exit the interface before playing any games and the system remains protected.
    2. There had been some reports of deleting outlook files. I have little information on that, but I strongly suspect the user may had done something wrong for this to happen.
    I once had a conflict with my firewall but it was due to an update in my firewall that was later corrected with no need of help from Bitdefender's support, although they helped me regarding the issue.



    p.s. I believe Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition may not be as accurate as their paid product unless the system is logged to their servers (connected the Internet). But this is OK for me since I do not think I may get any computer virus unless the computer is connected to the Internet (of curse, I have to be aware of any external device I plug in my system while it is not connected).

  • Are you BitD team going to make this product work or should I remove it?

  • Are you BitD team going to make this product work or should I remove it?

    What do you mean by work? I have it on 3 systems with 3 different Windows versions and it works fine on all of them.

  • Bitdefender Antivirus free is great, but it has absolutely no settings.


    We are working on these issues, some of these features will be available in the next product update.


    From January 24. 2013. they did not change anything.

    Of course that I uninstall him. This version is pure amateurism.

    Antivirus is very good. But the UI is useless.

  • From January 24. 2013. they did not change anything.

    Of course that I uninstall him. This version is pure amateurism.

    Antivirus is very good. But the UI is useless.

    Their position is that you don't need any more of a UI than what you get. I tend to agree with them. You're either protected or you're not. It's that simple.

    I would just like to see a listing of everything the free version protects against. I know it covers viruses and other malware and has a web filter. I'd like to know if it filters email which actually is not really necessary but I'd just like to know. I can't find a list of the features anywhere.

  • Their position is that you don't need any more of a UI than what you get.

    If that's true, then okay, fine. It *is* their product and they of course can do as they please with it.

    I tend to agree with them.


    You're either protected or you're not.

    Much like using a condom (which, like all AV products, is not a 100% method).

    It's that simple.

    No, it really isn't that simple.

    I fully understand that the company cannot give every feature away in the free version, otherwise no one would buy the paid version, and hey, people have to get paid. But I do feel this product is really underwhelming in key features. It does a really good job compared to all other free offerings at this time, so I bide my time. I don't buy full AV products because I'm not keen on the prices asked for only 1 year of updates. Panda is running a discount right now which is tempting and would save me a lot of money esp. if I pay for 3 years, but who is to say they won't pull a Symantec and turn into utter shite in a year or so? It isn't likely, but you never know.

    In any case, I feel that at minimum the software needs to have manual control of the scan types and quarantine/exceptions. There are a lot of things asked by others which essentially amount to asking for the paid version for free, and that's not realistic. But controlled scan levels and exception list is trivial and IMO a bare minimum requirement. As it stands, the only way to exclude a file is after it's been quarantined, and so far, BitDefender doesn't seem to be able to remember these exceptions well. As I 've noted in the only thread I've created so far, I have a handy utility I keep around since I buy used laptops a lot, called KillCMOS. It allows me to knock out BIOS passwords the previous owner may have left so I can update them and set them up, etc. I've added it to the exception list a few times, invariably BD "finds" it again, and quarantines it. This is annoying. I also use a program called Display Fusion. It has been found that the combo of BD and DF causes a memory leak I'd love to be able to exclude the DF processes from BD, but can't because they haven't added that yet.

    So yeah. Two simple things. Manageable exception list and selectable scan types. That's all I ask.

  • So yeah. Two simple things. Manageable exception list and selectable scan types. That's all I ask.

    Yes. I would be satisfied with these too. I was intending to use Comodo firewall with BitD Free, but when I saw to what UI of BitD looks like, I get back to Comodo AV (which is absolutely bellow BitD, but it has normal UI).

  • dch48
    edited August 2014
    So yeah. Two simple things. Manageable exception list and selectable scan types. That's all I ask.

    That sounds reasonable. A working exclusion feature should be present.

    I did find sort of a list of what BD Free does and it's pretty impressive. It has heuristics and a behavior analyzer as well as web scanning and a couple of other things. If you haven't seen the write up it's here.

    Look at the bottom of the page.

  • That sounds reasonable. A working exclusion feature should be present.

    I did find sort of a list of what BD Free does and it's pretty impressive. It has heuristics and a behavior analyzer as well as web scanning and a couple of other things. If you haven't seen the write up it's here.

    Look at the bottom of the page.

    Oh yeah, BD free is quite impressive in what it does and how well it works. It does its job quite well, and I currently recommend it when asked what a good free AV is. That they don't advertise with it is icing on the cake, and is why I still use it rather than go back to Avast! or Avira or AVG.

  • I agree with BDFreeUser, I am uninstalling BitDefender until there is an option for accessing settings and configuring the program. It is also somewhat disturbing, and makes me very hesitant to go with BitDefender, when these settings' changes where promised in January, 2013 and have not been implemented 19 months later:

    That leads me to think that BitDefender does not take its Free version very seriously.

    For the record, my husband and I run a computer support company in a rural area and this is why it concerns us: BitDefender scored highly on various antivirus tests that I researched which is why we chose to test it. Many of our clients are poorly educated about internet security and rely on us to make recommendations for what product to use, many of them would use nothing at all if it weren't for the free versions being offered. We always install an antivirus product on all computers leaving our shop. We often change what they are currently using to something better if the product in use, and being replaced, scores badly or has a heavy memory usage footprint. For years we have been recommending Avast Free but it has seen some decline in protection results over the past year and so we are looking for a replacement. That replacement will not be BitDefender until there is an option to configure the product.

    +1 for that. I am in exactly the same position as you.

    Avira Free - horrid to use and only updates every 4 hours (unless you make serious hacks and tweaks). Memory Hog

    Avast Free - Best form the end user perspective but detection rates are creeping down - good memory usage

    AVG Free - Most machines I get in with viruses have AVG (or MSE) on them so that says all that needs to be said. also installs PC Tune-up which should be called PC Trash-it

    BD Free - best detection rates but the "restore from quarantine" is broken and there is not any way to make even basic configuration choices (ignore/add to exclusion list)

    At the moment I am sticking with Avast - despite its falling detection rates it is really the only usable free product to be installed on customers machines for free (when they will not purchase a full product).

  • I think BD is just busy with other projects or maybe it's something else. But yes, I agree this lacks features when compared to other security software. 1.gif

  • There are other free products: Comodo, Baidu Antivirus 2015, 360 Total Security

  • I think BD is just busy with other projects or maybe it's something else. But yes, I agree this lacks features when compared to other security software. 1.gif

    It doesn't really lack features. What it lacks is the ability to configure most of it's features. That's not a problem for me.

  • antikythera
    edited November 2014

    This thread is now in danger of straying into product comparison. The only suggestion I agree that is on topic would be to implement a program/trusted file exclusion list. Otherwise it serves the purpose well.

  • Many of our clients are poorly educated about internet security and rely on us to make recommendations for what product to use, many of them would use nothing at all if it weren't for the free versions being offered.


    I have been seeking a new AV for a while now, both for myself and others in the family. Being the type that likes to do my homework, I read all the ratings and reviews then, being unable to find any real helpful pre-installation information on either site decided to take a serious look at Panda and Bitdefender, in that order.

    >>Sidebar…I HATE any product that, by default installs toolbars, or requires an email address for activation without disclosing what else the email might be used for.

    So, I installed Panda on my laptop and guess what; Yahoo toolbar and email activation. Add to that the (IMO) ugly W8 style tiles, so I scrapped that idea and opted for Bitdefender. Well, guess what again; yup, email activation. I went ahead anyway and now I have no clue what the “online” features are for or if I need to spend money to find out. I’m referring to Safebox, Anti Theft etc. Absolutely no pre install information. Now, even though I am “registered” I see a clock ticking down…29 days left; 28 days left, etc. Zero information on what that is about or what happens when time runs out.

    The end result; I now have Bitdefender on my PC and Panda on my laptop. I guess I have to wait a month to fully understand how both work and if I can, with some degree of comfort, recommend one or the other to family. One of my concerns, like Tranquility, is me installing one of these (with a user account) on a PC belonging to someone who is geographically remote and tech challenged.

    I like the simplicity of BD and the flexibility of Panda.

    I will give both a fair shot. Time will tell.

  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited November 2014

    Hello Hawgwash,

    This is the Bitdefender Free forum, I see you are using a trial version of one of the paid versions.

    Firstly, you do not have to pay for any of the features included in your version, you either use them or not as you wish. If you want further information on those features here are the links to the user manuals -

    Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2015 userguide >

    Bitdefender Internet Security 2015 userguide >

    Bitdefender Total Security 2015 userguide >

  • Hello Hawgwash,

    This is the Bitdefender Free forum, I see you are using a trial version of one of the paid versions.

    Thanks Rohugh.

    How do you know what I am using???lol.


    Googling “bitdefender” gave me:


    Where I scrolled down to:

    Bitdefender Antivirus Software

    Award-winning antivirus software from Bitdefender. Get the best real-time security for your PC with our advanced software.

    Free Antivirus

    Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition over-ranks Avast and Avira in...

    So I click on “Free Antivirus” which brought up:


    Where I downloaded and installed a "Free Edition."

    Sorry, but my old eyes see nothing about “trial version of one of the paid versions.”

    So, unless I am missing the obvious, you just back up my points.

  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited November 2014

    You mentioned Safebox, Anti Theft, etc. and those do not exist in Bitdefender Free. :)

    You may have downloaded a free trial of one of the paid suites, they are for 30 days, after that you have to either buy or move onto something else. Either that or you have to register the Free version with an email? Not sure about that bit.


  • Hawgwash
    edited November 2014

    Thanks again.

    I figured that was how you knew but there was, at least to me, no indication I was getting a "paid" not "free" version.

    I shall try the link above to see the difference and if it is really free.

    My whole point was lack of info leading up to install.

    Edited, right after.

    Rohugh, your above link takes me right back to where I was before...the paid version.

    I absolutely must be missing something.

    Edited yet again.

    Or, is the the scenario?

    Install “Free” as per your link and just ignore the “My Bitdefender” and account creation.

    If that’s the case I assume at the end of the 30 days it will become a full on free version and I may or may not be constantly solicited to upgrade

  • Good morning Southern Spain from Vancouver BC.

    The topic and this thread remind me of that old Beatles song:

    You say "Yes", I say "No".

    You say "Stop" and I say "Go, go, go".

    Oh no.

    You say "Yes", I say "No".

    (I say "Yes", but I may mean "No").

    You say "Stop", I say "Go, go, go".

    (I can stay still it's time to go).

    Oh, oh no.

    The same discussion was had back in August with no yes-no definitive answer.

    Seems so simple; why the confusion?

  • The link takes me to a page to download the Bitdefender Free Edition.

    I un-installed the Free version from my laptop and re-installed. There is indeed a 30 day countdown on the interface asking you to log into My Bitdefender, if you don't do that then you will lose protection and get a constant nag to log in at the end of the 30 days. The log in is to My Bitdefender where your information is stored, once done there is no countdown and no more nags. :)
