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The Results Of The Scan


Spent scanning the archive of paid and free anti-virus, the difference was in the 14 files, why the difference?




  • Hello Rampant.

    So if I get it from your images, you have scanned on demand the folder 300 and, after the on demand completed, one AV has left there 62 items and the other one 76.

    There are two things to discuss here:

    1. I don't know the capabilities of BD Win 8 in comparison with BDAVF.

    2. From what I see, one system is Win 8 and the other one is Win XP that has all files selected; may be on Win 8 there are some hidden files. it is better to do the test on the same OS and select all files (Ctrl+A) when on demand has finished.

    Can you give us that archive and tell us what have you done exactly?

    You can send it via or and after send me the link or more simply via PM.

  • Rampant

    I want to return to this issue. Take a look the video tests, which had at one Russian resources, commentary in Russian, but in the beginning of the test can be seen extracting it with viruses. The archive contains 3868 virus, after unpacking the free version leaves out 180 objects, paid leave 51, why such a big difference. Platform was used.

    Archive of the samples will be sent a private message.

  • Rampant

    To Catalin Dobrescu.

    You got the archives? Will comment? Thank you.

  • Yes, I got then.

    We will investigate and come back with an answer but I can't promise it will be soon.