Why Delete Whe I Said Quarantine?

Even thought I edited the Antivirus settings to first DENY, second QUARANTINE when I ran a full system scan BitDefender deleted files, one of which I know is not a virus.

I need to be able to, at minimum, insure that files are quarantined. If it deletes files without permission there is no use for this software on my computer...

Does anyone know how to make sure these conditions are met?



  • Hello iONic,

    Have you checked the Quarantine (SecCenter -> Settings -> Antivirus -> Quarantine)? When you selected Move to Quarantine, it's normal that you won't find the files where they were, because they were moved.

    On the other hand, the settings that I personally recommend are Disinfect and Deny access and continue. This way, when an infection is found, the file is blocked. Then you can make a Manual scan and take necessary action.

    Don't forget to set the Manual Scan to ask what to do (so set the action to No action, which will make BD ask what to do with the infections).


  • Have you checked the Quarantine (SecCenter -> Settings -> Antivirus -> Quarantine)? When you selected Move to Quarantine, it's normal that you won't find the files where they were, because they were moved.

    I did check the Quarantine and nothing was there. It was not a scheduled scan - I just told it to run a full system scan as I had not done so yet.

    On the other hand, the settings that I personally recommend are Disinfect and Deny access and continue. This way, when an infection is found, the file is blocked. Then you can make a Manual scan and take necessary action.

    Don't forget to set the Manual Scan to ask what to do (so set the action to No action, which will make BD ask what to do with the infections).

    I can't seem to find any MANUAL SCAN option to change.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I did check the Quarantine and nothing was there. It was not a scheduled scan - I just told it to run a full system scan as I had not done so yet.

    Realtime protection and Manual Scans have different settings.

    For Manual Scans, the option Disinfect also means Delete for infections that cannot be disinfected other way. That is why I suggested to select No action so that you can choose what to do according to the results.

    I can't seem to find any MANUAL SCAN option to change.

    SecCenter -> Antivirus -> Tasks

    That is the Manual Scan section. There you will find the scanning tasks, inclusind Deep Scan, Complete Scan, Context Menu Scan (which is the scan made by right-clicking on a file). And also you can create your own tasks.

    Right-clicking on a task and selecting Properties brings a pop-up with that tasks settings: scanning settings, target, schedule, reports. These settings are different for each task (so every task has it's own settings).

    There, selecting Cunstom level you can change the actions taken. Select No action and BD will ask you what to do.


  • Thanks, Cris, for the help. I did later find all the options to configure the different scans, including how to create custom scans.

  • Realtime protection and Manual Scans have different settings.

    For Manual Scans, the option Disinfect also means Delete for infections that cannot be disinfected other way. That is why I suggested to select No action so that you can choose what to do according to the results.


    Hey guys, gotta say Bitdefender rocks, but it does have some things that could definitely be changed. For example as far as I'm concerned, Disinfect should never mean Delete! EVer! lol.. they should always be 2 different settings. I like to recommend Bit to customers, but out of the box it's too eager to delete things instead of quarantine.

    If detection was 100% without ANY positives then it might be ok, but there are quite a few false ones...

    I think default settings should be quarantine and then more experienced users should be able to change that to delete if they wish. I've heard so many people annoyed as ###### and stop using the program over this.

  • binarywarfare,

    I have to agree with you 100%. The default settings out-of-the-box are dangerous to the "not so savvy" consumer, specially the deleting of files that absolutely were not viruses. I have performed some fancy batch file code to slip the prying eyes of hackers by renaming a file with a fake name to one that the called out program and recognize and then run, then renaming it back on program close. Even though the file is encrypted via the program I still do this. BitDefender however thought my simple database file was a virus and deleted it to some generic name. Googling on this virus name pulled up nothing at all. Are they making up new virus definitions on the fly??

  • lol... yep I've seen that heaps of times as well and noticed that Google doesn't turn anything up about a lot of them... but the funniest part is that there isn't any record even on the Bitdefender site!

    I think they could be trying to bump up the numbers and they also seem to detect a lot of tech tools that aren't virii. Annoying as ###### as they are programs that I use all the time.