Hi -i Have A Question

i don want my bitdefender start when i open my laptop. so how can i set it? i mean when i want to use internet or use bit ,i will open it . but every times, i open my laptop, it always start. so what can i do?

thank so much


  • alexcrist
    edited February 2008

    Hello percy1105,

    Nobody ever asked this question, so I am not 100% sure that my next suggestion works as it should.

    Try this: go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, search for the 4 BitDefender services (they have the string BitDefender in their names) and set them all to Manual.

    The bad part is that when you want to use BitDefender, you have to go to Services and start all of them, one-by-one.

    As I said, I'm not sure if this works (I never tested it). Please post if it worked or now.


  • i did not do it but i don want to do it >_< i have to open it every times i want to open bit... >_<

    i think bitdefender should have 1 tool which i can turn off and turn [ for when i start my laptop]

    thanks cris thank so much

  • Well...the previous suggestion was meant to make BD not start when you start your laptop. Alternatively, you can just disable the protection before you close your laptop, and this is done through BD's interface. Just open SecCenter -> Settings and disable the modules that you don't need. If you choose Permanently, the protection won't start if again you restart the system. Also, when you need to start the protection, this way you just have to open BD and enable the modules you need. ;)
