Can't delete some files/kernel error

Hi, well im from chile, so my english rly ###### but.. i have the same problems like all of u... 1st i found the 2 icons ( help n suport center and the windows update) , they cant be erased... in all ways they still coming bak, n the same as the tmp files at the "C" hd.

the thing is.. i was reading in other forums n found that the virus is conected whit storageprotector.. so i do a lots of thing to erase this ######, i tried with combo fix, vundofix and another programs,and they work... at least in safety mode u can erase all tmp and the 2 icons, and they doesnt reapear... at least till u reboot u sistem. and then sudendly, they come back with the kernel error... so i tried like a week on fix my pc, but still problems, do the only solutions is to reboot my "C", or there culd be another way to fix it...

well thx 4 u time, cya later.


  • Hello nival2,

    Please download BDAspy from and create a BDAspy SysLog Info, ZIP it and send it to us.

    Please use the password "infected" for the archives. All files should be archived as zips with this password.

    Please ask if there is something unclear.

    I've moved your post here so we don't mix things (although they may be similar).

