Bd Rescue Cd Can Not Find A File System To Scan

edited February 2022 in The Archive

hello all I`ve used bd rescue on lots of occasions with no problem. But the latest version 10 can not fully load on my system win 64bit it stops at the logo screen or it gives a message during the unix boot sequence saying that it cannot find any file system to scan.

also why does it sometimes tell me to use Verbose mode when my resolution is 1280X1028.(this is on other machines )?

Love the product its helped me a lot recently on two other machines it found Trojan.ghost when the competion could not They just fell over and the machines locked needing a re boot.

any help welcome

its ironic its repaired al my friends an family but it canot fix mine YET

best regards TOPPER


  • coolcool1227

    Is your display device connected via DVI cable?

  • Is your display device connected via DVI cable?

    no I have an amd card with vga 15 pin standard as main monitor and Hdmi to my tv(I have tried to unplug no different).

    thanks for quik response.

    can I set the screen res using TAB at menu screen to trick it? what code should VGA + be?

    thanks topper.

  • coolcool1227

    On 2nd system change the display resolution and then check.

    And on first system, are you using RAID configuration? Verify this from Disk Management.

  • On 2nd system change the display resolution and then check.

    And on first system, are you using RAID configuration? Verify this from Disk Management.

    1. my system is using a single hdd :sys res 100mb: healthy sys c : and partitioned d:logical(sata 0) dvd sata 1

    2. as for the video issue I have just got back from removing a virus on another machine using an nvidea gt 430 with the same set up i.e standard vga 1280 X 1024 and I removed hdmi lead . this again said the res was too low so using TAB at menu I set the VGA to j this worked and successfully removed a Trojan but it was fiddly to tell the menu to fix: as the button was below the screen at the bottom.

    this person is now using bitdefeder 2013 trial.

    I shall try changing the res on the graphics card and re boot again.

    back soon thnx again.

  • 1. my system is using a single hdd :sys res 100mb: healthy sys c : and partitioned d:logical(sata 0) dvd sata 1

    2. as for the video issue I have just got back from removing a virus on another machine using an nvidea gt 430 with the same set up i.e standard vga 1280 X 1024 and I removed hdmi lead . this again said the res was too low so using TAB at menu I set the VGA to j this worked and successfully removed a Trojan but it was fiddly to tell the menu to fix: as the button was below the screen at the bottom.

    this person is now using bitdefeder 2013 trial.

    I shall try changing the res on the graphics card and re boot again.

    back soon thnx again.

    back to my machine @1280x1024 bit defender hangs at spaceship screen.

    reset res 1280 X 960 :same

    use tab set vga=j reports NO LIVE FILE SYSTEM to scan

    I don`t understand I works fine on my girlfriend machine @1024X768.

    I think that the file system error should resolved firstly with my machine.

    anymore ideas ?.

  • back to my machine @1280x1024 bit defender hangs at spaceship screen.

    reset res 1280 X 960 :same

    use tab set vga=j reports NO LIVE FILE SYSTEM to scan

    I don`t understand I works fine on my girlfriend machine @1024X768.

    I think that the file system error should resolved firstly with my machine.

    anymore ideas ?.

    just to let you Know my machine can boot from cd and identify my Hdd with other online scanners and software tools like spinrite etc.????? baffled.

  • just to let you Know my machine can boot from cd and identify my Hdd with other online scanners and software tools like spinrite etc.????? baffled.

    My system:

    m/board gigabyte Ga-a55m-ds2

    amd a4-3400 :socket FM1 Llano

    8gig RAM

    Graphics AMD radeon HD7700 1024 mbytes vga + HDMi(unplugged)

    HDD western digital 500gb 2 partions c: and d: on sata 0

    Dvd w/r sata1

    Windows disk mngr indicates all clean and healthy sys reserved + primary and logical

    I have also tried the earlier version of bitdefender recue cd same results NO FILE SYSTEM TO SCAN (verbose mode only)menu option 1 just hangs.

    Please help i`ve been bigging this product up and now I canot fix my own pc.

    Best regards TOPPER.

  • My system:

    m/board gigabyte Ga-a55m-ds2

    amd a4-3400 :socket FM1 Llano

    8gig RAM

    Graphics AMD radeon HD7700 1024 mbytes vga + HDMi(unplugged)

    HDD western digital 500gb 2 partions c: and d: on sata 0

    Dvd w/r sata1

    Windows disk mngr indicates all clean and healthy sys reserved + primary and logical

    I have also tried the earlier version of bitdefender recue cd same results NO FILE SYSTEM TO SCAN (verbose mode only)menu option 1 just hangs.

    Please help i`ve been bigging this product up and now I canot fix my own pc.

    Best regards TOPPER.

    for anyone else out there to set vga res PRESS TAB at start menu and edit VGA = G(1026x768

    just ran avg cd rescue no problem exept foun 3 Trojans probeblly false possitives as they were in bitdefender folders

    running bitdefender BETA at present anyone any idias as to WHY BD rescue cannot see my HDD


  • coolcool1227


    Spinrite is a very powerful tool, why are you using this?

    Also read this post

  • Hi

    Spinrite is a very powerful tool, why are you using this?

    Also read this post

    I use spinrite when I have suspect Physicaly Damaged HDD`s just repaired a laptop with it:Thats besides the point why can`t your cd scanner find my drive and how can I manualy mount it if your software wont load?

    its been a long time since I used UNIX/Linux I shall investigate the above post and see how I get on.

    thnx again. topper.

  • I use spinrite when I have suspect Physicaly Damaged HDD`s just repaired a laptop with it:Thats besides the point why can`t your cd scanner find my drive and how can I manualy mount it if your software wont load?

    its been a long time since I used UNIX/Linux I shall investigate the above post and see how I get on.

    thnx again. topper.

    the post no good I tried mounting manualy using those examples in verbose mode no good at all

    keeps returning no live file system.

    anyway my machine is clean I HOPE disappointed that no one at this site Knows the answer and I can`t use the rescue cd on my machine for some unkown reason to me and bitdefender.!!!!!!!!

  • the post no good I tried mounting manualy using those examples in verbose mode no good at all

    keeps returning no live file system.

    anyway my machine is clean I HOPE disappointed that no one at this site Knows the answer and I can`t use the rescue cd on my machine for some unkown reason to me and bitdefender.!!!!!!!!

    using a usb cd rescue it displayed the usual desktop but only the usb stick is mounted going into terminal using "sudo" commands it still was unable to find my HDD it just scans the usb.

    AM I JUST WASTING MY TIME I would like to know?

    please get back to me with some usefull information or will stick with other scanners which are more user friendly.

    as I have said it works on all my costomers machines 32 /64bit sata ide laptop etc and the screen res problem What is the problem.

    confused TOPPER.

  • coolcool1227

    Since i don't know much about Linux, but I suspect that Bitdefender failed to mount the HDD and may also prevent from mounting it manually from the terminal commands because your HDD is damaged and may not get repaired properly......might be partition table and Volume layout and Type not supported.

    So wait for the reply from technical support.

  • Is your display device connected via DVI cable?

    as I have said NO its connected using a standard 15 pin Vga lead my graphics card has an additional HDMI o/p which I diconect when running the bd scanner.

    THE disply resoloution is not the only problem in verbose mode it cannot find a LIVE file system, This is also the case when I try to run the scanner from a usb stick this displays the deskop but does not find my HDD.

  • Since i don't know much about Linux, but I suspect that Bitdefender failed to mount the HDD and may also prevent from mounting it manually from the terminal commands because your HDD is damaged and may not get repaired properly......might be partition table and Volume layout and Type not supported.

    So wait for the reply from technical support.

    the Hdd was setup by windows 7 so should be correct,as I have said the other scanners(competion) work fine and also use Ubunto/Linux

    as for the graphics issue I have tried using the onboard vga @1280x1024 still hangs at spaceship logo.

    Please someone get back to me I don`t believe I am the only person out there who has thease problems.

    best regards topper.

  • the Hdd was setup by windows 7 so should be correct,as I have said the other scanners(competion) work fine and also use Ubunto/Linux

    as for the graphics issue I have tried using the onboard vga @1280x1024 still hangs at spaceship logo.

    Please someone get back to me I don`t believe I am the only person out there who has thease problems.

    best regards topper.

    can ANYONE OUT THERE AT BITDEFENDER GIVE ME AN ANSWER I think I`ve given as much info as I can. HELP PLEASE!!!

  • OK I`ll reply to myself again as bitdefender tech don`t seem bothered.

    with the use of the bitdefender safe mode boot option(2014 beta) this works on three pc`s which will not with the latest boot cd or usb recsue disks.

    GREAT but what if the pc does not have bitdefender anti virus installed and the virus/Trojan is preventing acsess to the internet(which happens a lot). unless I use other rescue products (physical cd/usb) What can you do, AS I have stated when the bitdefender rescue disk works its great its found problems when others have failed this is why I keep going on about this problem.

    Please someone get back with some usefull info.

    best rgards TOPPER.