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Trouble With Usb Modem


I bought Bitdefender Total Security 2013, uninstalled VIPRE (which was working fine), restarted, installed Bitdefender Total Security 2013, and immediately began having trouble with my Verizon USB 720 modem dropping the connection. It would work for a few minutes but then drop.

That happened a few times, but since I didn't have time to try to work out the problem immediately, I uninstalled Bitdefender, restarted, and installed Avast Free, and have had no trouble with my modem since then (a few weeks now).

I usually use the USB modem to connect with Verizon VZAccess Manager, but occasionally I connect with the built-in wifi.

My laptop is a 2 year old Lenovo, Win7Pro, 64-bit, 4GB ram, Core i3 M380.

Is there a patch or should I do something different? Or is there another thread that deals with this? (I searched, but didn't find anything.)




  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    Hi TimC,

    Did you try the steps explained in these two topics?

    Please post back if you need further assistance. Thank you.

  • OK. I'll reinstall and try those things. I suppose that as a test temporarily disabling the firewall might be interesting.



  • Thanks for the links - it looks like that solved the problem. But it was funny, VZAccessManager crashed before I got the steps completed - not even 10 minutes - and VZAM wouldn't restart. So I had to reboot, then turn off the firewall, login to get those instructions again, make the changes, and reboot. Since then it's been running for a couple of hours without a crash.

    BTW, I excluded the entire VZAcessManager folder.

    And BTW, I have a USB760, not USB720 - I wrote the first post from memory without checking the display - my bad.

    Thanks for the help.
