Can't Upgrade My Newly Purchased Bd Ts 2013 (1pc/3yrs)

edited May 2013 in General

Hello BD Team,

I recently purchased BD Total Security 2013 for a single user (3 Years).

Before purchasing the product, I was told that I would be able to update to any BD product within the validity of my license key within the 3 years of my license.

I even read on many of the forums that upgrading to windows 8 security from a total security 2013 pack can be done too with the help of the support team. I purchased Windows 8 after my BD purchase so I wanted to upgrade it but I feel cheated now, because the support team couldn't fulfill my request even though I had inquired about it before my DB purchase. Are you just trying to sell your product with lies?

Pre-purchase query reply:

"Dear Jigar,

Thank you for your reply.

Please be informed that if you have a valid license key for Total Security,

you will be able to upgrade from this product to Windows 8 Security, but the

new product will be valid for the remaining validity time on your old license.

Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Have a lovely day!

Best regards,

Sabina Dinu

Senior Customer Service Representative at Bitdefender"

This is the response I got from the support team on requesting my windows 8 security upgrade:

"Dear Jigar,

Thank you for your response.

I would like to inform you that we have not replaced your license key yet, as

we first needed your confirmation to do that.

However, after rechecking your account I noticed that your new license was

purchased from a partner and unfortunately we cannot replace this type of keys

as they come with special kits and they are geographically restricted.

For further details you can contact the vendor directly.

Thank you for your understanding!

Have a lovely day!

Best regards,

Sabina Dinu

Senior Customer Service Representative at Bitdefender"

Now how the ###### was I supposed to know about those stupid restrictions??! Why can't the support team tell me about this blunder before I went ahead for the purchase?! And why are there such restrictions? The registration of the product happens on the DB servers... not on some 3rd party servers that are geographically restricted!!!!

If I am unable to upgrade this, then this is the last BD product I purchase. You product is good... but your support team needs to be precise and not try to sell lies!

Hope someone can help me with this... or at least open my eyes so I don't purchase BD ever again! We are your paying customers, your anti virus is easily available in the piracy market which I do not support. But if this is the kind of support I am going to get, then maybe I should have just grabbed a pirated copy online.

Waiting for your reply.


  • Wow!! A week and no reply yet from any BD representative. Or is it that you want to continue selling lies to your customers and when confronted, turn a blind eye to their problems!

    If that is the case then I'm done with BD.

  • I feel for you ... but sorry,I can't help you.

    Geographically as Kaspersky.

  • I feel for you ... but sorry,I can't help you.

    Geographically as Kaspersky.

    I agree there response ######, but the product is good its a shame, perhaps they could do with more staff.

    sorry I have no solution to your problem, but its good to have a response at least someone isn't it

    good luck topper.

  • Hello Jigar Patel,

    If the problem you've mentioned is your only one with BD product/support, you are just very

    In a few months (2-3), the new BDTS 2014 version, is going to be released.

    Free upgrade to new version of the same product (with the same license), is a common BD policy thus, you have to be patient.


  • I know that I am eligible for the free upgrade to BD 2014/2015 Total Security products whenever they are released in the next 3 years. That I knew before I purchased the product. My query is to upgrade to the new Windows 8 Security. At the time of my purchase, I did not have windows 8 and my previous McAfee subscription was coming to an end. Without windows 8 on my system, there was no point in me buying Windows 8 Sec. I confirmed with BD tech support and as stated above, I was told that I will be able to upgrade my BD 2013 TS to Windows 8 Sec. But after the purchase, I was given a f####d up reason for not being able to upgrade my product which I was promised earlier.

    70-100$ is not a heavy price tag. I can re-purchase the Windows 8 Sec key separately and throw away this 3 year key. But that is not the point here. The incompetent and lying tech support is what got me irritated. I even have it all on record on emails exchanged between the Tech Support staff. Probably that is the reason why no official tech support member is replying to this thread. I caught BD stealing and also have evidence... pfft! I'm off.. no BD for me or for my office computers.

  • @Jigar do live chat here:

    The Support Person talking doesn't what BD support has to do.

    She Always gave me negative answers.

    Maybe you can also PM Georgia(BD Tech Support) as she can help you.

  • Where did you buy BD Total Security?

    You can PM me.

  • ...The incompetent and lying tech support is what got me irritated...
    I can understand what makes you feel like this. I think, it's about a misunderstanding, although I know that BD support is not as good as a client expects to. I cannot see the reason of not allowing you to downgrade.

    Anyway, keep in mind that passing to BD Win 8 Security from BDTS 2013 is considered as a downgrade and not upgrade because BD Win 8 Security is almost the same with BD Internet Security 2013 (less features than Total Security). The only difference is the "ELAM" technology which BD Win 8 Sec includes and BDTS 2014 is going to include too.

    That's why I suggest you to be patient.


  • I can understand what makes you feel like this. I think, it's about a misunderstanding, although I know that BD support is not as good as a client expects to. I cannot see the reason of not allowing you to downgrade.

    Anyway, keep in mind that passing to BD Win 8 Security from BDTS 2013 is considered as a downgrade and not upgrade because BD Win 8 Security is almost the same with BD Internet Security 2013 (less features than Total Security). The only difference is the "ELAM" technology which BD Win 8 Sec includes and BDTS 2014 is going to include too.

    That's why I suggest you to be patient.


    @jigar i Agree with werby3 as the BD 2014 suite will be released shortly so be patience don't degrade your license