Can Update Frequency Be Changed?
Is it posible to change the frequency of updates, I am often working on some large files and the 1 hourly updates become annoying as it grinds my system to a halt and I have to sit and wait for the update to finish before I can continue on what I am working on.
I have been considering turning off 'Auto Update' and only doing a couple of manual updates during the day. Is it possible to schedule updates for say 2 or 3 hour intervals?
Hi Drewie,
Yes, there is a way to change the update frequency in Bitdefender 2013. You need to open this file in Safe Mode:
C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2013\settings\system\update_settings.xml
Change the "interval" values:<SchedulerSettings>
<SignaturesUpdate enabled="1" first="5" second="10" interval="15" />
<ProductUpdate enabled="1" first="30" second="0" interval="60" />
In the above string 15 = 15 minutes and 60 = 60 minutes.
As you can see, by default Bitdefender checks for signature updates every 15 minutes and for product updates every hour.
You can increase these 2 numbers to change the update frequency according to your needs.
If you have other questions please don't hesitate to post back.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend!0 -
As indicated by these values - first="5" second="10"? Thank you.
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Is it posible to change the frequency of updates, I am often working on some large files and the 1 hourly updates become annoying as it grinds my system to a halt and I have to sit and wait for the update to finish before I can continue on what I am working on.
I have been considering turning off 'Auto Update' and only doing a couple of manual updates during the day. Is it possible to schedule updates for say 2 or 3 hour intervals?
Hi Drewie. Here is an example of my changing them to 1 hour intervals on one of my PCs.0 -
Apologies for the "bump"...
...Change the "interval" values:<SchedulerSettings>
<SignaturesUpdate enabled="1" first="5" second="10" interval="15" />
<ProductUpdate enabled="1" first="30" second="0" interval="60" />
In the above string 15 = 15 minutes and 60 = 60 minutes.
As you can see, by default Bitdefender checks for signature updates every 15 minutes and for product updates every hour.
You can increase these 2 numbers to change the update frequency according to your needs.
If you have other questions please don't hesitate to post back...
Sorry, I am not having any luck editing these two values in the update_settings.xml file?! I keep getting an "access denied" dialog box when I try to save the edited changes. I am running BTS 2014 on Windows 8 x64.
Can someone help, please? Thanks!0 -
You need to open this file in Safe Mode
That means restart windows in safe mode or the file will be locked and access denied messages appear when you try to edit or save.0 -
Well, I can't thank you enough, anti...
...not only for pointing out the part that I overlooked, but also for the scoop on how to do the safe-mode boot up in W8. I bookmarked that page for future use BTW.
The edit went perfectly and there's much joy in Tinseltown thanks to you.
Upon my expiration, I've instructed my heirs to gift you with one of my green plastic Finn Magnus childhood harmonicas. I'm pretty sure that you'll be receiving the one that didn't get dropped into the toilet several times?! Although I can't remember which one mom made me use while I was down with the mumps?!But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?
...Seriously anti, you -- and a few others here -- make this forum a much better place.
High Regards!0 -
" /> you're welcome
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The directory's are different in BD TS 2014 64bit (C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender\Settings\System\LGKC" and the update_settings.xml format is different then stated above. Would someone please update the explanation post to bring it up to date with BD 2014? Thank you.
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The directory's are different in BD TS 2014 64bit (C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender\Settings\System\LGKC" and the update_settings.xml format is different then stated above. Would someone please update the explanation post to bring it up to date with BD 2014? Thank you.
Can someone up date this please!!0 -
Ok i just tried it,,i went into safe mode(w7) but then i wasn't sure where to go from there,what do i open?
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Start>Computer>Program Files>Bitdefender>Bitdefender>settings>system>update_settings.xml - right click and "open with notepad"
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Ok i got all the way there and no notepad available to use,open with.
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Ok i got all the way there and no notepad available to use,open with.
Are you saying there is no "open with" or there is no notepad option?
If you have other "open with" options you can go to that window and at the bottom choose another option to open with - find and click notepad,0 -
See my above post.
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That is not from the settings file, when you right click the settings file as shown in my attachment you get a different selection of choices to open that type of file.
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Found it! thanks..
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Change the "interval" values:
<SignaturesUpdate enabled="1" first="5" second="10" interval="15" />
<ProductUpdate enabled="1" first="30" second="0" interval="60" />
I didn't see a reply as to what the "second" setting is. Does it mean that the first check for signatures is 5 minutes after boot, the second checking is at 10 minutes after boot, and then every 15 minutes after that? If so, does the "0" in the second for the product update mean it is ignored, and the checking first happens 30 minutes after booting and then every 60 minutes after that?
And, if that is true, does it mean that I can set the intervals to "0" and just have it check for updates once xx number of minutes after booting and not constantly check all day long? Once a day is fine for me.0 -
I didn't see a reply as to what the "second" setting is. Does it mean that the first check for signatures is 5 minutes after boot, the second checking is at 10 minutes after boot, and then every 15 minutes after that? If so, does the "0" in the second for the product update mean it is ignored, and the checking first happens 30 minutes after booting and then every 60 minutes after that?
And, if that is true, does it mean that I can set the intervals to "0" and just have it check for updates once xx number of minutes after booting and not constantly check all day long? Once a day is fine for me.
Not really. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is the interval= part. You can ignore the first= and second= parts.0 -
Not really. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is the interval= part. You can ignore the first= and second= parts.
So, if setting them to zero doesn't mean "never", if I want to have it do each check for update once, do I just pick a large number for the interval, like 1440 (number of minutes in 24 hours). My computer is seldom (if ever) turned on that long. And if it is, that'll check for updates once a day.0 -
So, if setting them to zero doesn't mean "never", if I want to have it do each check for update once, do I just pick a large number for the interval, like 1440 (number of minutes in 24 hours). My computer is seldom (if ever) turned on that long. And if it is, that'll check for updates once a day.
Possibly,try it and let us know.0 -
.............. if I want to have it do each check for update once, do I just pick a large number for the interval, like 1440 (number of minutes in 24 hours). My computer is seldom (if ever) turned on that long. And if it is, that'll check for updates once a day.
Yes, setting the final figure to 1440 will mean a check for updates once every 24 hours.0 -
Why only that often is questioned..and not recommended.
Another question is....ok we can adjust the scheduler for updates what about auto scans, can we adjust the frequency of that?? i don't care for how often it runs a scan it's unnecessary wear on your hard drive.0 -
Yes, just working with the interval numbers is where to make the changes. Setting the interval numbers to the time you want to receive the updates as desired. In my case, it checks for updates every hour, and product updates every 6 (I could probably go out longer on that one, as product update are less frequent).
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@daman1: I have just checked my Events "Autoscans Virus Scans" and I only have one every 7 days logged, how often does yours run?
As to daverj asking for once every 24 hours it is his choice but as he says he only uses his computer for a short time each day and it will only update when it is turned on I don't see the need to change the frequency either.0 -
Auto Scan can only be disabled fro the main UI, and the frequency cannot be changed.
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@daman1: I have just checked my Events "Autoscans Virus Scans" and I only have one every 7 days logged, how often does yours run?
Auto scan is continuous (unless as previously mentioned, it's disable on the Antivirus Panel) and the amount of days it takes depends on the amount of data on the drive and the amount of daily use (as it only scans during idle times). This post and thread with it's included links, may be helpful in understanding Auto scan:
Disabling Auto scan will not reduce your protection in the regards that On-access scanning will be in play when opening and closing files etc. It just helps to alleviate doing a full system scan so often, which can be a little CPU resource heavy (more than Auto scan does). Even though that issue was "resolved" if you run a System scan with Task Manager in Performance mode and check out if there is a high CPU usage and what files or locations could be safely added to scan exclusions, to help in that regard: -
OK, thanks Colombo, that clears that up nicely.
I will drop my System Scan to once a month (had it set for weekly) and let the auto scan do the work.
What about quick scan, how often do you suggest for that?0 -
Glad it helped, Rohugh,
I run a Quick scan about 2-3 times a week as it's so quick and light, I figure, why not, as I like to see a scan in action once in awhile
How often do you run a MBAM scan, and what scan do you use more frequently (quick or full scan)?0 -
I have BD quick scan set at every 3 days so I guess I will leave it at that.
MBAM is set to quick scan every two days (normally takes less than 3 minutes to complete) and a full scan weekly - just completed one and it took around the hour mark.0 -
I do full scans with BD once a week,maybe ill leave Auto scan on and drop back on manual full scans.
MBAM i run real time so don'tnt do manual scans to often with that.0 -
What type of scan does BD do with Auto scan on?
edit: sorry read columbos link disregard.0 -
So, if setting them to zero doesn't mean "never", if I want to have it do each check for update once, do I just pick a large number for the interval, like 1440 (number of minutes in 24 hours). My computer is seldom (if ever) turned on that long. And if it is, that'll check for updates once a day.
Why only that often is questioned..and not recommended.
I feel checking for new definitions every 15 minutes is a bit OCD (no offense to those of you who are OCD). I don't do torrents. I don't open unsolicited email attachments or images (not even from my mother). My computer sits behind a gateway and a second hardware firewall. I don't run any servers that are exposed to the net. I don't download files very often, and when I do they are from known trusted sites.
I mainly sit and work on CAD drawings locally. A "new" virus is one discovered in the past couple of days. I'm not out open and exposed like many people. Of course it's a gamble, but the chances of a virus discovered for the first time in the wild 15 minutes ago making it to my computer that same day are pretty slim.
And if the application itself needs to be updated every hour to function correctly, then it's not well written software. I could probably update the software once a week and it would be fine, so once every 24 hours should be no problem. Does the software development team actually release multiple updates to the application each day?0 -
What type of scan does BD do with Auto scan on?
edit: sorry read columbos link disregard.
lol, thank goodness for the about ~7-8 minutes we have to be able to edit a post. At times I wish it were about 15 min, but that could break the continuity of following posts if someone were to use your quote in a post, and it was different than your new edit (during those times when members are posting fast and furious).
Glad you found the info. from the link given, daman1Here is a follow up visual aide that may also help of what's scanned, and what isn't.
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Bitdefender checks every 15 mins for databases. and every 60 for program updates