Bug With Gamemode-list & Autopilot

edited June 2013 in General

I love Autopilot feature of Bitdefender, and also the ability to add games a list to start game-mode automatically. But there is a bug with this. When going back from a game it doesn't return to the prior autopilot state.

Steps to reproduce:

* Add a game to Bidefenders "Game list" (Settings->General->Game List)

* Make sure autopilot is turned ON.

* Start the game. Bidfender will go from "Autopilot" to Game Mode.

* Turn off the game. Bitdefender will go from Game Mode to "User Mode"

* It should go to the previous state. In this case Autopilot.

I consider this is a Bug, also it should be easier for you to go to autopilot mode since it's fully automatic just turning that on will set all the other settings automatically.

I've done some research in the forums and only found this, it's a similar problem but swapping modes manually, not automatically by the list.

I have Bitdefender Total Security 2013.

Thanks in advance.


  • Qcho86


  • doncht

    I got nothing on top of my head for this buddy, but please update this thread once you get progress. smile2.png

  • Rolacka
    edited June 2013

    I have a similar problem using the game list method of switching but in my case it switches to autopilot mode instead of back to user mode which is what I use, hopefully this gets looked at although I have very little confidence in that happening :(

    I should add that I use BD Internet Security 2014.

  • Marc79
    edited August 2013

    Same here I just started using Bitdefender recently, and am using the automatic game mode, but encounter the same issue with autopilot switching to user mode, after I leave the game. Using Bitdefender Internet Security 2013. Can't figure it out.