How Much Memory Should Gzserv.exe Use?


Windows 7, 64bit.


One review here says bitdefender only uses up to 50MB.

My gzserv.exe is using 6GB of total memory of which there is 2GB of private RAM. Is that right?




  • Hi,

    Windows 7, 64bit.

    8GB RAM.

    One review here says bitdefender only uses up to 50MB.

    My gzserv.exe is using 6GB of total memory of which there is 2GB of private RAM. Is that right?



    Do you still have this issue with Bitdefender Anvitirus Free?

    Could you tell us what you think that triggered the ram usage? Did you have a fullscan in progress?

    Also would you be kind to also attach here(if file is lower than 2 MB) or upload on another site and link here(if over 2 MB) the file gzserv.log from "C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Free Antivirus\"


  • Hi!

    Have we got any solution for this problem? I am using free version of Bitdefender (, Win 7 x64, 4GB.

    My Resource Monitor / Memory is saying:

    gzserv.exe -- Commit (KB): 665 000 / Working Set (KB): 625 000 / Shareable (KB): 30 000 / Private (KB) : 595 000

    Thanks, Slawek

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=12371" data-fileid="12371" rel="">gzserv.log

  • I also have a similar problem. I recently moved from Avira Free Antivirus to Bitdefender Free Edition. With Avira, when the system was idle, I had about 900 MB of memory used, while with Bitdefender the memory is 1.5 GB and above. Why do I have this usage, which I consider to be high, since no scan is active and the program is said to have very low system impact?? When scan is active the memory usage goes up even at 2GB.

    Screenshot with mwmory usage when my pc was idle:

  • Mine went up to a tad under 3GB during idle. No active scan whatsoever. What would seem the problem with Bitdefender Free?


  • I was wondering why I was low on memory. Turns out gzserv was hogging 8GB of RAM.


  • dch48
    edited February 2015
    I was wondering why I was low on memory. Turns out gzserv was hogging 8GB of RAM.


    I don't understand the problem. On my system running 8.1 64 bit, gzserv.exe idles at between 1.6mb and 19mb of memory used. It drops as low as 156kb but then jumps back up to 7mb. During a full scan it went up to 225mb and then dropped back down. I find it to be extremely light. CPU usage during the full scan never topped 20% and usually was at 5-7%

  • I don't understand the problem. On my system running 8.1 64 bit, gzserv.exe idles at between 1.6mb and 19mb of memory used. It drops as low as 156kb but then jumps back up to 7mb. During a full scan it went up to 225mb and then dropped back down. I find it to be extremely light. CPU usage during the full scan never topped 20% and usually was at 5-7%

    Also, the commit size is irrelevant since that is virtual memory not physical. Right now mine says this:

    Working set (total physical memory in use)-14.3mb, Private--8.3 mb, Shared--6.0mb

    It peaked at :

    Working--43.6mb, Private---37.9mb, Shared---3.7mb

  • dch48
    edited February 2015
    Mine went up to a tad under 3GB during idle. No active scan whatsoever. What would seem the problem with Bitdefender Free?

    It shows right in that picture that 5GB of your installed 8GB of physical memory was in use by everything running and gzserv only using 46mb of that. That commit number is irrelevant. It is virtual memory, or page file size reserved, and means nothing.

  • Also, the commit size is irrelevant since that is virtual memory not physical. Right now mine says this:

    Working set (total physical memory in use)-14.3mb, Private--8.3 mb, Shared--6.0mb

    It peaked at :

    Working--43.6mb, Private---37.9mb, Shared---3.7mb

    Note that my screenshot is showing that it uses 8GB for the private working set, so the physical memory is exclusivly reserved for the process. Page file is irrelevant, since I don't use one. Starting a memory hungry game made Windows warn about low memory usage, and I can't even remember the last time that happened.

    I was unable to kill the process or restart the system service even with administrator priviliges. Uninstalling worked though, and when the process was gone my system was usable again.

    It's a bug. It worked just fine for a few days until that happened.

  • dch48
    edited February 2015
    Note that my screenshot is showing that it uses 8GB for the private working set, so the physical memory is exclusivly reserved for the process. Page file is irrelevant, since I don't use one. Starting a memory hungry game made Windows warn about low memory usage, and I can't even remember the last time that happened.

    I was unable to kill the process or restart the system service even with administrator priviliges. Uninstalling worked though, and when the process was gone my system was usable again.

    It's a bug. It worked just fine for a few days until that happened.

    I don't know what resource monitor that screenshot is showing but I still think it's saying that gzserv is only using 75mb of your memory. The working set includes private as well as shared memory and only shows 75mb. Private bytes in that program may not mean physical memory. Alternatively, it may be reserving physical memory because you don't have a page file. I doubt that though.

  • I don't know what resource monitor that screenshot is showing but I still think it's saying that gzserv is only using 75mb of your memory. The working set includes private as well as shared memory and only shows 75mb. Private bytes in that program may not mean physical memory. Alternatively, it may be reserving physical memory because you don't have a page file. I doubt that though.

    It's Sysinternals Process Explorer. Another data point is that the default Task Manager was showing roughly "Physical Memory: 80%" while gzserv was running. After uninstallation (which killed the service) lowered the number to reasonable ~35%. I don't remember exact figures.

    It's obviously not intended behaviour, which is why I think it's worth investigating. :)

  • It's Sysinternals Process Explorer. Another data point is that the default Task Manager was showing roughly "Physical Memory: 80%" while gzserv was running. After uninstallation (which killed the service) lowered the number to reasonable ~35%. I don't remember exact figures.

    It's obviously not intended behaviour, which is why I think it's worth investigating. :)

    Since it seems to be a problem that only occurs on a few specific systems, it would be hard to track down and maybe they just don't want to commit resources to fix something that only happens to a few people. I say few because I only see a couple mentioning it and also because I am running free BD on 3 computers with 3 different versions of Windows,Windows 8.1 64, Win 7 64, and Vista 32, and there are no problems on any of them. I also tried it with the preview of Win 10 and it worked fine.

  • dch48
    edited February 2015

    I got this from a post about Process Explorer.

    Private Bytes refers to the amount of Page file space that is allocated to the process (not necessarily used) in the event that the process's private memory footprint is completely paged out to swap. most of the time, the process is not entirely (or at all) page-file resident, so that's why private bytes appears to have "room" for further allocation. It is not however the case.

    Private bytes however only refers to the processes private memory, so this value may not reflect shared resources (even if the shared resource is only used by this process at present).

    Now, you say you have no page file. I would suggest creating a small one, say 1gb in size, and then see what results you get. I have a 1gb page file and Process explorer shows 315mb for gzserv.exe in the Private Bytes column. Maybe not having any page file is confusing either BD or Windows itself. I have tried running without a page file myself and have experienced other kinds of strange behavior. That's why I always keep a small one active.

    I also run BD Free with the auto scans turned off. I just tried things with them turned on and really didn't see much of a difference at all.

  • Since it seems to be a problem that only occurs on a few specific systems, it would be hard to track down and maybe they just don't want to commit resources to fix something that only happens to a few people. I say few because I only see a couple mentioning it and also because I am running free BD on 3 computers with 3 different versions of Windows,Windows 8.1 64, Win 7 64, and Vista 32, and there are no problems on any of them. I also tried it with the preview of Win 10 and it worked fine.

    That might be true. I also don't think most people would care to report it as a problem. It's not immediately obvious that Bitdefender is the problem since 1) gzserv.exe does not tell you much without googling it and 2) gzserv.exe does not show up in the task manager.

    Most people would probably just reboot their computer to fix the issue.

    I got this from a post about Process Explorer. Now, you say you have no page file. I would suggest creating a small one, say 1gb in size, and then see what results you get. I have a 1gb page file and Process explorer shows 315mb for gzserv.exe in the Private Bytes column. Maybe not having any page file is confusing either BD or Windows itself. I have tried running without a page file myself and have experienced other kinds of strange behavior. That's why I always keep a small one active.

    I also run BD Free with the auto scans turned off. I just tried things with them turned on and really didn't see much of a difference at all.

    Sorry, I thought I had no page file, but apparently I forgot to disable it on all drives. At the time I had a 1.5GB pagefile. It should not matter though.

    As for the settings, I used whatever the default settings were.

    Anyway, thanks for responding. I have no plans on trying Bitdefender again though, so I'll probably look for something else. The only antivirus software I really liked was NOD32 from 10 years ago - before they went full bananas with their UI. :(

  • goldencut
    edited March 2015


    I just installed BitDefender Free Antivirus and after couple reboots took a look at my memory load. Before I open any programs (like Firefox etc) BitDefender hogs the most memory - nearly 300MB! It might not seem much to many but my system only has 3GB( well 4GB, but it's 32bit OS so..) so it takes 10% right off the top.. :( Any ideas why so much and am I reading this correctly? I'm running POSReady2009 (XPSP3) on Thinkpad X61S (yeah, I'm poor...).

    A screenshot post-189464-1426887605_thumb.jpg

  • Any news on this issue?

    A relative just called, because he can not start any programs doe to "low memory". Turns out gzserv.exe is using 7 GB (out of 8GB RAM+pagefile).

    Using Windows 8.1 Update 1 and BitDefender Free.