Which Product Should I Use?

Hi :-)

I am posting this question here because I do not know where else it might fit in the New BD Forum

I am using Windows 8. I had been trying the Demo of the New BD IS. Today I noticed for the first time BD Windows 8 Security. I understand this may sound like a dumb question but, which is better for me to use -- The New Bit Defender or BD Windows 8 Security. I ask because the New BD IS appears to be a newer product. And I have assumed it is compatible with Windows 8.

I have also posted a similar question in the Windows 8 Security Forum, but this forum appears to be more active so I thought I might get a quicker response here.

I hope this is not considered spamming, I am sincere in trying to get a quick response to my question.

Thank You for taking the time to read this post.

And if necessary I apologize now for double posting. Thank you for your consideration.
