How To Stop Auto-install Messages?

I have BD IS 2013.

I received an e-mail proposing to migrate to 'New Bitdefender'.

This has totally failed (installation kept stopping, stalling, encountering errors that advised me to contact BD support).

Long story short - I am unwilling to spend more hours of my life on this. So I have re-installed IS 2013.

Now each time I switch on my PC I instantly have a dialogue box asking me to authorise Bitdefender Setup Downloader to install New BD.


If I follow the file origin, it is C:\Programfiles\Commonfiles\Bitdefender\Setupinformations\setupdownloader.exe/after_restart

Can I simply delete this file? (or will my PC boot up stall because some routine is looking for this (now deleted) file?)


  • It will most likely be triggered by an entry in the windows startup list. The easiest way to fix this without delving into the registry files themselves is to use CCleaner. If you haven't already got this program it is free to download and use.

    With CCleaner installed, open it and click on Tools followed by Startup. There will be a list of entries. You should find one resembling the file you have identified. Disable it and then delete the entry for it. After you have done that, it should be safe to delete the file too.

    Without removing the entry and simply deleting the file your system wouldn't hang around looking for it but you may as well clean it off to save it having to look for it at all.

  • Leswoods1
    edited September 2013

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    The CCleaner thing did the trick.

    Thank you! :D

  • @ Leswoods1:

    Glad to notice that everything is back to normal now. Sorry about the inconvenience.

    Please don't hesitate to open a new thread should you need further assistance.

    Have a beautiful week ahead!

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