Update Errors 1002, 2009

I have received update failure errors 1002 and 2009 intermittently since installing Bitedefender on all my computers last year. Through support, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, upgraded and the problem goes away for a while but then reoccurs after an update requires a reboot.
In my firewall, it shows errors during updates:
2013/09/30 08:51:48.892 [bDFWCORE] Open process 4294967295 - c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe failed. Error: 57.
2013/09/30 08:51:49.329 [bDFWCORE] Open process 4294967295 - c:\windows\syswow64\msiexec.exe failed. Error: 57.
2013/09/30 08:52:06.648 [bDFWCORE] Open process 4294967295 - c:\windows\syswow64\msiexec.exe failed. Error: 57.
Another forum earlier this year indicated it was due to a busy update server.
I have asked for resolution on this a number of times but nothing seems to work. Has anyone had this issue and if so, what resolved it.
Thanks Dan1W