Upgrade From 2013 To New Bd

Should I do a clean uninstall of BD 2013 before upgrading to the new BD? What is the best procedure to prevent problems?
Personally I have found the best method as follows:
1. Download the new version's offline installer from either of the two pinned topics at the top of this forum section and also the 2013 uninstaller utility. Make a note of the license key and then uninstall the normal way using windows control panel.
2. restart the pc in windows safe mode and run the uninstall utility, it will clean up left over locked files which weren't removed in step 1.
3. restart the pc in normal windows mode and run a registry cleaner such as ccleaner to remove any leftover registry entries (there will be a few MUI entries).
4. install the new version. choose 'no' when it asks to download updates during install or offers a newer build.
5. after install is complete, restart again and then run an update and restart once more when it completes.0 -
Thanks antikythera
I'll give your method a try; sounds like the best bet.
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Yes, he has a lot of experience under his belt, along with good PC/software understanding. We're fortunate to have him here
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Thanks for reminding me Scott. I need to book myself in for a long term service and belt change
Firecapt if it doesn't work please post back any error messages etc. and I'll try and help. If I can't, the venerable Scott will most likely be able to step into the breach if time permits him to do so.0 -
Thanks again antikythera!!
Good to hear from you too Columbo, long time no talk
I won't be doing this right away, maybe in a couple of days. I'll post back with the results.0 -
Personally I have found the best method as follows:
I posted problems with install on 28th August 2013 (and many years before that on all versions since 2009). I just tried your method and it worked perfectly. Thank you antikythera. Running uninstall tool in safe mode was the trick I hadn't tried yet. I think you should get a year free subscription for that discovery! :-) This uninstall with install was the fastest yet at 24 minutes total including reboots!
Thanks again.
shpshftr <out>
However, my point of view often changes when faced with pure genius or an extremely beautiful female.0 -
Thanks for the feedback. It isn't really much of a discovery on my part though. It is something that I learned while using another security product which did the same thing on uninstalling in normal windows mode. So I just transferred the method over and it worked.
The reason it doesn't work properly in normal windows mode is driver and service files loaded by the SYSTEM account and not your own user account are locked against access to protect them from being compromised while the program is running. So when you try to remove them it won't work unless they are unloaded like in windows safe mode.0 -
Tried antikythera's method today and it worked like a charm; the new BD installed and worked flawlessly.
I still have the same problem. The new BD causes BSOD's.
This is the 4th time I have tried the upgrade from BD 2013 to the new BD with the same result every time. That is why I asked the original question regarding upgrading; thought I might be doing something wrong.
I have switched back to BD 2013 since I need the computer for business and can't deal with the BSOD issues.
I have been into computers since around 1981 before Microsoft DOS and got used to seeing BSOD's early on. I haven't seen one in almost 6 years. Leave it to BD to bring back an old misery.
The computer is only 1 year old, never had any security program other than BD and Windows Defender and Firewall have been off from the get go.
Can't emphasize enough that BD 2014 is the cause of this problem. Every other program (and I have many, from simple to complex) works perfectly. In the past year, since installing BD, I have had to deal with one problem after another, this is only the latest.
For BD techs: I have no interest (anymore) in helping you do research and development on your product. You need to figure out what is causing the various problems with your product and fix them. No other software company that I know of commonly expects that its users will send them files, screen dumps, and error reports.
All that being said, I like the product but have to have a stable platform since I use the computer for my livelihood; I don't have time to devote to fixes to the program.
Thanks again for your help, it did work to install the program, it's just that the program causes problems with my system.0 -
You're welcome. Sorry to see you still got BSODs. At least 2013 is more stable so you aren't left with a redundant license.