Bd Tune Up Functions And Windows 7 & 8 Registry

BD Technical Support:

I do not have a problem, but I do have a question about the scope functions of the DB Tune Up tool.

The Tune Up tool lists 5 functions, each one of which, when employed, performs a function altering, modifying (repairing)

the PC running W7 & W8 OS. The descriptive term implies what the function itself is, but I would like a simple explanation

and confirmation of it.

!. PC Cleaner does what? How does it affect the HD configured for 32 bit? 64 bit? How does it affect external back-up HDS?

Flash drives and CDS/DVDS? See 2. beloe.

2. Registry Cleaner does what? Does the tool repair or modify the Windows Registry H KEYS, settings and values to conform

to the correct installed settings for a Windows OS and all installed software applications running on the machine? My machine

is an Apple iMac running the Apple Bootcamp installation so I can divide the Macintosh HD and run Mavericks OS on the Apple

half and W7 on the Windows side. Bootcamp uses Windows support software to operate all the iMac hardware. The Bootcamp

application dividing the Macinosh HD is is an effective firewall between the Mavericks OS and W7 OS. I must rely on BD 2014

to protect W7 from external intrusion and contamination as well as "tune up" my PC. See 1. above

3. Registry Recovery does what? See 2. above.

4. Duplicate Finder does what? See 1. and 2. above.

5. Disk Defragmenter does what? See 1. above. Should I disable/forego the use of W7 Accessories and Administrative Tools

and rely solely on BD? to avoid conflicts, e.g W7 has Scan Disk, a diagnopstic and repai tool.

6. On 5. above, what about conflicts between W7 Accessories and Administrative Tools and BD? e.g. Back Up & Restore, System

Recovery, User Account Control (UAC) and Bit Locker tools? BD 2014 seems to be a comprehensive security program for PCS

using W7 and W8, but some functions in BD Tune UP seem to duplicate W7 tools, so which to use?


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