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I Found A Bug


Hello guys!

I am using bitdefender free in windows 8.1 .

I only found one bug, wich is:

Sometimes when I scan a file or folder, using the scan of the context menu (right click), in the main interface it says that the requested scan has been finished. However in the log it says that the scan is still in progress. So every other scan that I request throught context menu, in the main interface it says it has been finished, and in the log it says that is queued (as it was waiting for the first requested scan to finish, because only in main interface display that it has been finished, in Logs seems that it is still in progress).

Ps--> When Bitdefender finds a malware inside of a compressed file (zip, rar, etc) it deletes it. I think that is very risk for the user. I believe that is this situation the user should be notified fisrt for security reasons as the detected file could be a false positive.

The Bitdefender is a great product! By far, its the lightest Avs that I have installed in my machine. And also one of the best detection rates that I have found in an AV.

Congratulations! I believe its only matter of time to BitDefender go to the top in users database numbers.

Thanks for this free product!
