Welcome On Malware Talk

edited February 2020 in Malware talk

Welcome on the Malware Talk forum section

Welcome on the Malware Talk section of BitDefender Forum.

Here, you can ask about malware, you can post new samples, ask how to clean a certain infection, and anything else you can think of about IT threats. We will try to answer all your questions in the shortest time, hopefully keeping your computer clean. :)

On the Malware Talk section, you will find multiple sub-sections:

  • News: Here you can read some security info, related to malware. Also, if you have some interesting news on this subject, you are welcome to post it in this section.

  • How To's: On this section you can read security advices, find instructions about how to clean some threats and/or to prevent them from infecting your computer. Please do NOT use this section to ask questions! This section is for security articles ONLY. If you have an interesting article about how to protect against certain threats, you are welcome to share the info with everyone else on this section. If you have questions, please use the other (appropriate) sections.

  • Sample Submission: On this section, you can post new, undetected malware samples. Doing so, you will help BitDefender to become a better security solution and you will protect again infection other BitDefender users. Also, on this section, you can post False Positives (legit, clean files, wrongly detected as infected). BitDefender Virus Analysts will take a look at the posted samples, and detection will be added/removed as needed.

  • Logs Analysis: This is the section where you can post logs generated by HijackThis. Someone will look over your log and tell you if anything is wrong with your PC and what you need to do about it.

  • False positive reporting: Post here only files (or links to files) that are wrongly flagged by BitDefender as infected, when in fact they are clean files. They will be checked and detection will be removed ASAP.

  • General section: You can also post directly in the root on the Malware Talk section topics that don't exactly fit in one of the above sections.
To all members: Please try to respect the designation of the forum sections. Whatever topics that are posted in the wrong section will be moved, without notification, to the section where they should have been posted. Thank you.

Other information about Malware Talk:
  • Due to the fact that on this section, infected samples are attached to different posts, this section represents a High danger section. Therefore, access to attached files is restricted to the following member groups: Admin, SuperModerators, Moderators, Virus Analysts. Normal members are forbidden to download any files on this section.

    • Advantages
      • The samples are protected from any unauthorized download
      • Nobody can get infected by downloading infected samples
      • Anyone who want to upload a sample can do so without any fear that his/her privacy is, in any way, endangered. Only authorized members can download attached files, and the files will be used for research ONLY! No information from the attached files will be made available to anyone, under any circumstances, as a full file, nor as a part of it.

    • Disadvantages
      • Attached screenshots and/or log files won't be available for download to anyone but authorized members. But on this section, everybody can help anybody, so screenshots, logs and other non-infected files might be useful to someone who wants to help you. So, if you want to post something that will be available to anyone, you have the following choices:

        • For pictures (screenshots): You can use an online image host to upload your images, then post the links in the topic. An example of image host is ImageShack, but you can find lots more on a simple web search.

        • For logs/text files: Instead of attaching logs, you can simply copy the content directly in the post (if it's not very big). To make the post be easily read, you can use the CODE tags.

        • For other non-infected files: Just like for screenshots, use an online file hosting service (like RapidShare)
And this is about all that is with the Malware Talk section. Happy posting, and we hope you can find here answers for all your security questions.

Keep it safe. :)

This discussion has been closed.