Windows 7 Security Action Center Messages


Upon computer restart, my security Action Center will randomly indicate none of my main BD components are active, when in fact, they are. I have read that this could be due to malware/other, however, repeated scans with BD and other, and indicates no threats.

With 2013 version, I could simply toggle on/off each component in the BD control panel, and the messages would disappear; this doesn't work in the new version.


Windows 7 HP x64


  • bump?

  • Rohugh

    At the expense of asking the obvious, have you tried all the steps in this Support Center section?

  • At the expense of asking the obvious, have you tried all the steps in this Support Center section?

    Thanks @Rohugh. Yeah, I've followed all those steps, and although resetting the repository does help for the next reboot, inevitably, the issue reappears. May I add...if I do not reset the repository and reboot my machine, BD services will eventually fail and turn themselves off. Not that I'm rebooting every day, but on the occasion I do, this is a hassle.

  • cableghost
    edited February 2014

    I am still trying to figure this out. In addition to doing the above-referenced steps, several times, I have reinstalled BD, using the remove option. I have enabled the Admin account on my Win 7 HP x64 PC and ultimately, get same results.

    I have thoroughly tested BD AV and firewall, and they are functioning as normal. Interestingly enough, should I turn on the built-in Win Firewall, the firewall-related security message disappears.

    Maybe this is a case whereby the update did not completely process and there's issues somewhere within the registry hive? My next step would be to completely remove BD from system and erase any sign that any version was ever installed. Do you have a list of registry keys to delete, or is it a search/find and delete process?

    As a loyal customer for more than a half-decade, I would appreciate some specific help from BD staff.

  • Rohugh
    As a loyal customer for more than a half-decade, I would appreciate some specific help from BD staff.

    I think you should contact them direct about this - they are there 24/7 and maybe the best way to get some action.

  • Georgia

    @ ScottS

    If you already contacted the Bitdefender support team, please post back your ticket ID to speed up the investigation process.

    Thank you!