Scan Result Contaradiction?

An On Demand scan has completed.

The scan took: 01:02:38

Files scanned: 435132

Infected items detected: 76

Files known to be clean: 9821

Scan Paths

Path Status

C:\ completed

Scan Results

No infected items have been found.

Ignored items

The following files could not be scanned due to insufficient privileges.

File Name Action

c:\users\don\appdata\local\temp\adobeflashplayeractivexsetup.exe None (password protected)

Iam confused by the above scan which shows that although 76 infected items were detected it also shows 'No infected items have been found'.


  • Nesivos
    edited January 2014
    An On Demand scan has completed.

    The scan took: 01:02:38

    Files scanned: 435132

    Infected items detected: 76

    Files known to be clean: 9821

    Scan Paths

    Path Status

    C:\ completed

    Scan Results

    No infected items have been found.

    Ignored items

    The following files could not be scanned due to insufficient privileges.

    File Name Action

    c:\users\don\appdata\local\temp\adobeflashplayeractivexsetup.exe None (password protected)

    Iam confused by the above scan which shows that although 76 infected items were detected it also shows 'No infected items have been found'.

    Your confusion is understandable. I believe in the first case the "Infected items dectected" includes files that could not be scanned. You can verify this by looking at the scan log details.

  • Your confusion is understandable. I believe in the first case the "Infected items dectected" includes files that could not be scanned. You can verify this by looking at the scan log details.

    How to see the scan log details? Where to see what was detected or quarantined? I can't seem to do anything with so limited control settings. I don't know what it has done to my PC if I can't view the logs.

  • I don't have the free version, so haven't seen the interface,

    Look for the "Help and Support " link, then check for "scan logs".

    In BD WIN 8 version it gives this link file://localhost/C:/Program%20Files/Bitdefender/Bitdefender%20Windows%208%20Security/Support/OfflineManual/html/antivirus.scan.logs.html

    BD interface > Events> Antivirus > Scan Logs.