On-access Scan Really Slows My Pc Down Now


For the last week, On-Access has started to make my PC work very slowly. F.i. calc.exe (the calculator in Windows) takes about 5 seconds to start after clicking on the icon. Earlier it was instant on my Windows 8.1 Pro. It is on a core i5 3570K@4,4Ghz and Windows 8.1 (and calc.exe) is installed on my Samsung 840 EVO SSD 240Gbyte. Every single program is now a very slow starter, but once started, they run normal speed.

If I disable On-Access scan, things are going back to normal startup-speed.

What can cause this problem?


  • That's something interesting since you're already using i5. By the way, make sure you have the latest version installed. What is it that's running right now? smile2.png

    The version of my bitdefender is build I think this is the newest one?

  • AdrianHa

    In Win8.1 the disc should be defragmented and optimized on a regular schedule, but I have found several times that I needed to defrag the disc , a classic symptom is slow starting programs.

    Apart from that, have you any other security programs running, or anything new added to the system?

    Try a defrag, failing that maybe a repair of Bitdefender.

  • In Win8.1 the disc should be defragmented and optimized on a regular schedule, but I have found several times that I needed to defrag the disc , a classic symptom is slow starting programs.

    Apart from that, have you any other security programs running, or anything new added to the system?

    Try a defrag, failing that maybe a repair of Bitdefender.

    As written in OP, the system is on a SSD and therefore is defrag not an issue.

    I have tried to repair BitDefender, but no success in this problem.

    I have not any other securityprograms installed.

  • As written in OP, the system is on a SSD and therefore is defrag not an issue.

    I have tried to repair BitDefender, but no success in this problem.

    I have not any other securityprograms installed.


    There is one thing you could try.. Do you have archive scanning enabled? Main interface --> settings --> antivirus --> custom --> archives. If you have "scan inside archives" feature enabled then disable it and reboot your system. Any better?

  • Hey!

    There is one thing you could try.. Do you have archive scanning enabled? Main interface --> settings --> antivirus --> custom --> archives. If you have "scan inside archives" feature enabled then disable it and reboot your system. Any better?

    Archive scanning is disabled and has been all the time.

    I think I'm trying to uninstall BitDefender, and install the free BitDefender and see if there is any difference.

  • Nesivos
    In Win8.1 the disc should be defragmented and optimized on a regular schedule, but I have found several times that I needed to defrag the disc , a classic symptom is slow starting programs.

    Apart from that, have you any other security programs running, or anything new added to the system?

    Try a defrag, failing that maybe a repair of Bitdefender.

    Good point. My W8.1 computers are set to defrag daily. As I recall the default in W8.1 is weekly. I have found the more frequesntly you defrag the faster your system and the faster the defrag process.

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    @ Burgurne

    Please post back if the issue still persists after reinstalling Bitdefender and we will gladly assist you.