Tough Install

XP with all updates. Difficult install. With tech support help, had to uninstall SAS and malwarebyes to complete install. Reinstalled both programs afterwards.

At starup, "B" icon says active. After a few seconds, it says inactive. Panel shows me logged in. Says "System is not protected", and Virus Shield is off, and will not switch on. On demand scan can be run. Is this further conflict with SAS and malwarebytes? All 3 programs run simultaneously without a hitch on 2 other computers, one XP and one W7. :(


  • Just to double check. I tried my other XP computer, and I can toggle Virus Shield on and off.

  • Very "gentle" bump.

  • XP with all updates. Difficult install. With tech support help, had to uninstall SAS and malwarebyes to complete install. Reinstalled both programs afterwards.

    At starup, "B" icon says active. After a few seconds, it says inactive. Panel shows me logged in. Says "System is not protected", and Virus Shield is off, and will not switch on. On demand scan can be run. Is this further conflict with SAS and malwarebytes? All 3 programs run simultaneously without a hitch on 2 other computers, one XP and one W7. :(

    Had the same problem myself last week when I tried to install BD free on my XP rig. I don't use SAS anymore, but MBAM and MBAE are on the system. Install once completed, the AV updated fine and run until I did a system reboot. Thereafter it would load but within 30-45 secs would turn red (system not protected). I ended up reinstalling Panda Cloud. Interestingly, I was able to install BD free on my Win 7 rig, which has the exact same complement of security apps , without issue. Nary a hiccup thus far.