I am user of BitDefender Internet Security and have renewed my subscription 1 once again and I'm renewing for 2014/2015.
I'll take a critical and constructive suggestion.
your competitor Kaspersky that you've used before, has an anti-banner module, this gives more security to the product and I think it just need to get close to the ideal protection ...
Please create at least one application for us to use while not placing in the final product.
It's a shame to read of someone BitDefender suggest using AD-Block for this ...
I await your response if this protection is being developed for you for your products.
Carlos Campos.
Yes, Kaspersky has an anti-banner setting although I don't see any with Bitdefender (maybe because I use AdBlock plus with my browser
). I would hate to see too many things added to the AV and for it to become bloated - as many AVs are doing now.