Free Edition


Helo (sorry for my english)

Where I can set up the connection to update, if I access internet through a proxy.



  • Rohugh

    Hello MarioG,

    Are you asking about Bitdefender Free, or are you using Bitdefender 2015 (as you are in that forum?

    For BD 2015 you access General Settings from the GUI drop down and click the advanced tab.



  • Hello MarioG,

    Are you asking about Bitdefender Free, or are you using Bitdefender 2015 (as you are in that forum?

    For BD 2015 you access General Settings from the GUI drop down and click the advanced tab.


    Thank for response

    I'm asking about Bitdefender Free (sorry if here is not the site)

  • you are on the right site, just not the right section. either way you should receive some advice. however one of the moderators may well move your topic to this section:

    if you set your proxy settings in the web browser already then as far as I know Bitdefender Free Edition will use them. Has the program indicated it is unable to update?