Bd Internet Security Won't Install...hangs...for Hours

edited October 2014 in Install & register

On TWO pcs I tried to install BD Internet Security 2014 and then 2015. 2014 from the disk and then 2015 from a download from the BD site. One on a Vista machine (clean install) and this one on Win8.1, recovery. BOTH HANG. I had to purchase something else. The only problem is I have many licenses for BD. Can someone please tell me what's going on? I've never had this problem before.


  • Now this is the third pc that it's hanging on. What's the scanning section purpose as that's what it's stuck on in all three.

  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited October 2014

    The scanning section of the install is checking to make sure there is no other security software installed on your computer, (that may include anti-spyware and anti-malware programs (I am not completely sure about that bit)). You must ensure that any other anti-virus programs you have are completely removed prior to the installation, if you have any or those that have not been completely removed then please use that programs uninstaller.

    Reboot and try again.

  • Yeah, I've rebooted on all three machines. All three were either recoverys or clean installs. No luck. Other security products install without a hiccup.

    The scanning section of the install is checking to make sure there is no other security software installed on your computer, (that may include anti-spyware and anti-malware programs (I am not completely sure about that bit)). You must ensure that any other anti-virus programs you have are completely removed prior to the installation, if you have any or those that have not been completely removed then please use that programs uninstaller.

    Reboot and try again.

  • Rohugh

    How long is it hanging for, my experience is that installation of BD takes a long time, I usually allow at least half an hour, and the first scan section can take 5 to 10 minutes. When I install Ijust set it going and minimise it, it eventually gets there.

  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited October 2014

    How long is it hanging for, my experience is that installation of BD takes a long time, I usually allow at least half an hour, and the first scan section can take 5 to 10 minutes. When I install Ijust set it going and minimise it, it eventually gets there.

    (Sorry for the delay in replying, a flood control of 90 seconds on the forums is blooming horrible! :( )

    ......... and ends up double posting, ######!

  • It hangs for as long as I leave it. Four hours on one before I gave up.

    How long is it hanging for, my experience is that installation of BD takes a long time, I usually allow at least half an hour, and the first scan section can take 5 to 10 minutes. When I install Ijust set it going and minimise it, it eventually gets there.

    (Sorry for the delay in replying, a flood control of 90 seconds on the forums is blooming horrible! :( )

    ......... and ends up double posting, ######!

  • @Rohugh I got this problem too :huh:post-129865-1413632376_thumb.jpg

  • Rohugh
    @Rohugh I got this problem too :huh:post-129865-1413632376_thumb.jpg

    My advice in post #3 still holds :) but I have decided to reinstall BD TS on my laptop to ensure that there are no problems atm, so far I have waited 5 mins and the scan has not started. I will post back when - or if - it is complete.

  • Rohugh

    OK, it downloaded, it took 30 minutes which is a long time but partly due to my rubbish ISP (one of the "pleasures" of living out in the countryside) but everything was satisfactory.

    If you are sure that there is nothing on your computer blocking it then the next move is to contact Bitdefender via e-mail.