Bitdefender 2015 Plus Problems
Hi , iam having trouble registering the product an also cannot open a suportticket it does send the ticket via the website
i installed the program and entered the licence , then program prompt to create a account to mybitdefender , which it did , a conformation email was sent acomplet the registration , now i cant login using the email and when i try to recover the pass says the email is not valid.
whats funy is that i can login using my google account which is the same email that i used for registering the account , using the google account , it show my computer on mybitfender when i go to profile and try o change the password to a new one , says my current password is wrong i use the password from the registration process and the one from my google account , problem persistes.
i have a suport ticket which was created when i called that problem from this ticket was resolved but no one replys anymore 2014112112430002
need help
the email adress is the same for the account on this forum
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i register whith another email , but the program keeps saying that my account is pending activation to check my email , i already used the link clicking on it only brings me to mybitdefender login page
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looks lilke after much fideling arrount its ok
could someone from support Moderator see if its ok
pm me so i can send the email the i registerd to see if every thing is fine0