Unable To See My Devices Within Mybitdefender


Having trouble with the My Devices section of My Bitdefender. I went into it recently to delete 3 active devices (My Devices front end panel shows I have 4 registered devices) as I recently

re-imaged my PC and one PC is listed twice, and two other machines I had Bitdefender registered with are no longer working. But when I click on the My Devices Panel, I get a blank screen

and no devices are listed. I have tried going through Bitdefender support but the only suggest was to relogin and clear IE cache. Tried all that. Any suggestions?




  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭
    edited February 2015

    Welcome to the Bitdefender forums.

    If you still need help with this please post your ticket ID to do a follow-up on your case and see what happened on our end.

    Thank you very much, looking forward to hearing from you.