Is Key On Av

can an BD internet security key be used on a AV version?
No, you can use it for Windows 8 Security but otherwise keys are specific to the version, AV+ to AV+, TS to TS, etc.
Ro.0 -
well then how about another question, is there a way for me to turn off the Firewall is off alert in BD if I want to use another firewall?
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As far as I am aware if you turn off the firewall you will be presented with a big red cross nagging you to turn it back on.
I don't know of a way to disable the alert.
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ok thanks for the quick reply
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You could always download BD AV+ and run it on a 30 day trial to see if that is what you wanted and if your firewall worked well with it?
Ro.0 -
I know it would work but I already got the license for the IS for two years at a great deal, I wish the license would let you downgrade if you wanted just not upgrade, so basically if you got the total security you could install anything and register it with the same license.
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I'm testing and figuring out the best defense in depth system I can so nothing can bypass it and infect the computer.