Database Diagram Soft With Windows 8 Security



I'm getting issues using my SQL diagramming tool (sql workbench) on windows 8. Last week I got blocked 3 times and I couldn't figure out why, I had to stop designing my diagrams.

Does anyone know a good SQL tool on Windows? My computer is highly secured because of my company policy (IT service company). I'm very limited with installations




  • Hi,

    I'm getting issues using my SQL diagramming tool (sql workbench) on windows 8. Last week I got blocked 3 times and I couldn't figure out why, I had to stop designing my diagrams.

    Does anyone know a good SQL tool on Windows? My computer is highly secured because of my company policy (IT service company). I'm very limited with installations



    Hi Jordan,

    I had a similar issue with another tool for creating diagrams online. I didn't need to desactivate your firewall and I wouldn't recommend shutting down your firewall for any software installed on your computer. For database modeling, there are a bunch of online tools which do not require to be installed on your machine.

    You only need an up-to-date web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox) and database diagrams can be designed online. I use this database diagram online tool for my own database models and my UML diagrams as well. You won't get any issues with the firewall anymore if your browser is configured correctly. Be sure your manager allows you to work with online tools. If you'd like to connect your SQL database engine, double check your security protocols.