Enough Insanity

edited May 2008 in General talk

The bright side.....I only paid $25.99 for 2 yrs/3 PC's at Amazon!

The reality....the software, while highly endorsed by reviewers, is pure junk.

Who would have thought that this acclaimed software would require multiple installs and uninstalls, diagnosis using a variety of utilities (HiJackThis, etc.) to try to figure out its multiple bugs, and the dream of a better tomorrow with "BD 2009"??

Back to *** for this sucker and write this one off to experience.

Good Luck

crysty2k5's EDIT: closed


  • adt
    edited May 2008


    What an ****!! No Anti virus software is supreme and has all the best features of anti malware components, so they require a other programs to do so. Also Hijackthis/Comofix and other few free utlities are often used to fight malware on many forum sites not only Bitdefender. FYI AVG has an extremely weak firewall module and lacks all the components Bitdefender has. AVG firewall is about as useless as Windows Firewall, and your better off using a free firewall like Comodo.

    noob AVG IS FTL!!!!!!!!

    crysty2k5's EDIT: Do not offend other users && posts merged

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited May 2008

    No more antivirus flame war !

  • adt
    edited May 2008


    crysty2k5's EDIT: Offtopic after warning, + 10% added to warn level !


This discussion has been closed.