Auto Scan No Longer Runs

On 4th July I did a complete uninstall/reinstall of BD.

Quick sweeps were reported every day up to 21st July. During this time, deep sweeps were also reported on the 5th and 15th of July.

However, since 21st July.......nothing!

Virus signatures update every day and on the 27th, BD told me that "Bitdefender has updated".

I realise that auto scans are not necessarily needed every day and other posters have said they normally average every two days.

The only thing that's changed on my computer is that I installed .NET Framework 4 (I am running XP SP3) but that was on the 20th July and BD ran a quick sweep on the 21st.

I am at a loss as to why auto scan has suddenly stopped. Any ideas?


  • Lionet
    edited July 2015
    On 4th July I did a complete uninstall/reinstall of BD.

    Quick sweeps were reported every day up to 21st July. During this time, deep sweeps were also reported on the 5th and 15th of July.

    However, since 21st July.......nothing!

    Virus signatures update every day and on the 27th, BD told me that "Bitdefender has updated".

    I realise that auto scans are not necessarily needed every day and other posters have said they normally average every two days.

    The only thing that's changed on my computer is that I installed .NET Framework 4 (I am running XP SP3) but that was on the 20th July and BD ran a quick sweep on the 21st.

    I am at a loss as to why auto scan has suddenly stopped. Any ideas?

    Hi Smirnoff,

    There is a not conclusive thread on the subject...

    not conclusive thread on the subject

    I still have W XP SP3 & BD IS 2014 running slowly indeed, but fine.

    Maybe deinstall BD again, clean the system and reinstall it?

    deinstall free version

    clean the system

    Try a manual deep scan.




  • Hi Smirnoff,

    There is a not conclusive thread on the subject...

    not conclusive thread on the subject

    I still have W XP SP3 & BD IS 2014 running slowly indeed, but fine.

    Maybe deinstall BD again, clean the system and reinstall it?

    deinstall free version

    clean the system

    Try a manual deep scan.




    Virus signatures updated today (31st) and was also told Bitdefender has updated. Previous threads have explained that there are continuous incremental updates to the programme.

    Thought I'd see what new additions/fixes were included so I clicked More details.... The result was "Bitdefender has performed a product update." I realise that BD is designed to be "light" but for all the information given about the update the best thing to do would be to remove "More details..." and make it lighter still!

    Will give it a bit more time today to see if the product update kicks in auto scan again. Will then try a "Repair".

    Thanks for your help.

  • Lionet
    edited July 2015
    Will give it a bit more time today to see if the product update kicks in auto scan again. Will then try a "Repair".

    Hi Smirnoff,

    I never used this free version and I do not know your computer, so I have no full proved solution to bring... :mellow: (besides I do not know how long my old XP SP3 will fit bitdefender & other softwares :unsure: .)

    As i wrote, you could clean your system, however a bit tedious it is, to be sure you run softwares on a stable system.

    Good luck for your reinstallation!



  • Hi Smirnoff,

    I never used this free version and I do not know your computer, so I have no full proved solution to bring... :mellow: (besides I do not know how long my old XP SP3 will fit bitdefender & other softwares :unsure: .)

    As i wrote, you could clean your system, however a bit tedious it is, to be sure you run softwares on a stable system.

    Good luck for your reinstallation!



    I carried out a "Repair" from Add/Remove programs and was told it was successful.

    Auto scan still doesn't run but BD tells me I am protected and virus signatures update OK.

    Have done a number of uninstall/reinstalls already and each time auto scan stops running after a number of days for no apparent reason.

    I've got all my important stuff backed up.

    As BD is doing its AV job and my old XP isn't getting any younger I think I'll leave it at that until I buy a new PC.

  • my old XP isn't getting any younger I think I'll leave it at that until I buy a new PC.

    Hi Smirnoff,

    It's wise indeed!

    My XP SP3 keeps on being useful and valuable indeed, but we know engineers no longer make programs for it and new software's are less and less compatible with it whatever the "communication" made about it.

    The ultimate solution is to plug it of internet and rely on compatibility if possible to communicate through cd or USB.

    No more upgrade and so on...

    I'm a basic user, however I noticed a three levels period in the MSFTs' software industry:

    1) new system -) bugs -) patches -) all peripherals developers test their software's.

    2)matur.e system -) fewer bugs -) peripherals dev' keep close to requirements. -) but new needs for something better bigger or else...

    3) old system -) no more bugs -) full proof -) but system developers issue a new one...

    Of course my remarks are basic too but I believe they are not utterly wrong.

    I dislike brand machines because they are sold with the latest system, if you are at 1) too bad!

    Do anyone remember the year MSft issued the V1 patch even before the official release of the software?

    I'm sorry to be off topic and long. On my small "smartphone" I find it difficult to send a PM.



  • dch48
    edited August 2015

    Auto scans are working fine for me in Win 10. I turned them on just to see and I got 2 quicks and a deep in the last 36 hours. They are now turned back off. I have not received any product update however in the last year.

  • Auto scans are working fine for me in Win 10. I turned them on just to see and I got 2 quicks and a deep in the last 36 hours. They are now turned back off. I have not received any product update however in the last year.

    When I do a complete uninstall/reinstall auto scans start to work.

    As stated earlier, the last time they ran regularly from 4th July to 21st July then stopped.

    However, virus signatures continue to update (today) as do product updates (31st July).

    Virus signature and product updates are two different things

    Check to see if you have "Bitdefender has updated" in your logs. The current programme version is and has been for some time but it is supposed to receive incremental updates. I suppose it's like how Win 10 now behaves, it will get programme updates but will remain Win 10.

  • dch48
    edited August 2015
    When I do a complete uninstall/reinstall auto scans start to work.

    As stated earlier, the last time they ran regularly from 4th July to 21st July then stopped.

    However, virus signatures continue to update (today) as do product updates (31st July).

    Virus signature and product updates are two different things

    Check to see if you have "Bitdefender has updated" in your logs. The current programme version is and has been for some time but it is supposed to receive incremental updates. I suppose it's like how Win 10 now behaves, it will get programme updates but will remain Win 10.

    Like I said, I have not seen any entry called "Bitdefender has updated" for at least a year. The only one I ever saw was right after installation when it updated to There have been none since then so as far as I know, there have been no product updates for at least a year. One is needed now though for the web scanning issue.

    I did not get any product update on July 31.