
edited August 2015 in Feature request

Gentlemen, I find it almost unbelievable that no one created a way to delete a Safepay site. NO WHERE CAN YOU EVEN EDIT THAT SITE IF YOU WANTED TO. It may be possible thru some database editing but there is nothing in any place in the Safepay instructions HTML document. This should have been standard practice. Please add a way to do this easily. If you make a wrong URL entry you are hopelessly left with an entry that will not go away. :rolleyes: Thanks for reading this small gripe. BitDefender is the best there is and otherwise I am pleased with this product. I see that Safebox will probably go away but there are lots of other sites to fill this issue.

Woops: Should have looked at other Safepay entries. There is a way to delete the entry but how about changing the color of the "X" to RED so you can see it in the background. The present view is very hard to see and I have very good eyes. Thanks in advance and sorry for being so fast on the trigger.