Improve Vulnerability Scan


In BDW8 Ssecurity when there is a Windows update waiting to be downloaded and installed BDW8 Security Vulnerability Scan Events will notify you of such, without having to manually run a Vulnerability Scan. I have double checked this with Bitdefender Support and 2015 and most likely 2016 products do not and will not run an unattended Vulnerability Scan.

I think thik is a major security weakness. For sure one of the complaints against W10 is that it automatically downloads all updates, However, it does not do so right away after they become available. Even if you do not choose to defer W10 updates it could be a full 18+ hour after a security update is available before it is auto downloaded and installed. Those 18 hours can be the difference between a computer being infected or not. With BDW8 Security the vulnerability scan is there to tell you to update almost as soon as it becomes available. BD 2015 and most likely BD 2016 along with W10 does not notify you of this. This can be highly problematic especially when there are out of cycle critical updates to be downloaded and installed.

I would like to see BD 2015 and onward paid products have Vulnerablity Scan auto-scan the computer for updates based upon a user selected frequency like say every two hours, four hours etc. If an update is found than an Event notice should pop up in the Widget preferably with a sound