Help With Bitdefender

i recently installed bitdefender on my PC but a power interruption occured while it was on the process of installing. when power return i tried to remove first the unfinished installation and i deleted all files related to it. but when i look at my security settings it says that "bitdefender is not on". how can this be when i deleted all its files but its still installed? and my internet explorer 7 can't be open again. i only use mozilla now. my other programs won't work anymore and theres always a pop message saying "the procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL." its really bothering me now. i can't use some of my programs. this pop message always comes out when i open my yahoo messenger. i installed bitdefender again and i succesfully finished it and i tried removing it and i thought i did but it didn't. i search for it in all files and theres no file of bitdefender anymore but my windows security says it bitdefender is still there. plz help me. i don't want to reformat my PC. is there any other way to remove this bug? i tried sytem restore but its appering unsuccesful. plz help me.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited June 2008

    Use this tool to clean:

    Use TuneUp Utilities 2008 to clean the HDD and the registry !

  • i tried using the method u said. i removed it in my security settings now. but theres still a popping message that i mentioned. why is it still there? when i open my yahoo messenger its there the popping message. i tried reinstalling my yahoo messenger but its still the same. when i open it the pop message comes first 3 times. and i can't still use my internet explorer. i can't use my registry editor cause it has been disabled. how can i enable it? plz help me.

  • Hello karlo,

    Please try this press the windows button together with f. Now windows search will open select search all files and folders now type as search term psapi.dll. You may only find 1 that is located in system 32 subfolder of the windows folder. Rename the other found psapi.dll. Reboot your pc.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello karlo,

    Please try this press the windows button together with f. Now windows search will open select search all files and folders now type as search term psapi.dll. You may only find 1 that is located in system 32 subfolder of the windows folder. Rename the other found psapi.dll. Reboot your pc.

    Kind regards,


    i tried doing what u told me but 3 files are the result and all are applications extension. it says that editing it might damage my system so i did not try it.

  • Hello karlo,

    psapi.dll will automatically being recreated after a reboot when you first renamed the other psapi.dll. So you should be safe to rename them. Be sure that psapi.dll is present in the system 32 subfolder of windows. Or in the windows folder and it's subfolders.

    Kind regards,
