Unable To Install Bdv10
i downloaded BDv10 free edition from filehippo.com. but, while installing i get a message "extracting file failed. it is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or corrupted cabinet file". my OS is windows XPsp2 and my system meets all the minimum requirements. please note that i'm able to install all other softwares without any problem. can anyone please slove this issue.....
thanking you,
Download it from here: http://www.bitdefender.com/site/Downloads/
http://www.bitdefender.com/site/Downloads/...onVersion/1/42/0 -
Hello lakshman,
If you are using a download manager or download accelerator please disable it during the download process. Try also this. This is almost the same as when you extract the 2008 installer package. If the extraction fails then you have a corrupted installer. Now double click on setup to install.
Kind regards,